Hi all
here I am again at the mercy of the forums infinate wisdom.
I have to put a new gearbox in the fc and dont want to pay $250 to have it done. I have got a secondhand box- big thanks to geoff.
I have tomorrow off work so am going to tackle it myself.
I have an old workshop manual but it is a repro one from supercheap and the details arent too clear to me. it says i have to first drain and remove the radiator and go from there. but im not sure if this is necessary???
its just the gearbox i need 2 swap, the clutch- pressure plate are 12months old.
i have all the tools. i have small ramps to get the car up on and i have a trolley jack to support the engine.
So any and all the advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated. If any1 has a proper manual with set by step instructions that they could scan that would be great and if some1 could translate it into laymens terms that would be even better
I will be logging on at 5am tomorrow morning to get the info and start from then so if you could post any knowlege before then that would be great.
Many thanks in advance.