Hi Flamim. J,
I have two sets of 13 inch wheels but not sure if either will be suitable for you i.e. are you running totally standard set-up or flared/rolled wheel arches etc.? Anyway, for the record here are some shots with them set up on a totally standard read end.
The first set are ROH rims, 7 inch really deep dish (i.e with centres reversed I think).

these sit well outside the guards so would probably need re-setting but they do have a centre which is no longer available new

The other set are 5 spoke mags, 2 x 7 inch, 2 x 6 inch

those were the larger ones, here are the smaller ones

none of them are perfect..but fine for a daily driver.
You are welcome to come look at them if you wish (Hurstbridge,N.E. Melbourne)