Not happy. Despite spending a combined total of at least an hour on the phone with David Fitzsimons, emailing him photos and information for this article, it still has my name wrong, misquotes me and manages to print two different names for the NSW club, both of them incorrect.
However, this (lack of) attention to detail is absolutely typical of the Daily Terror, and News Limited publications in general. (Should I move this to rants?)
The article has now been put online. You can find it
here. It doesn't have the image of the FE Wagon sales brochure cover that the printed version has, but is otherwise identical. Mick's wagon (and kids) get a run, from a photo I took outside Dalgety Hotel at the Nationals. Mick = Forum user FE_STD_WAGON, from Queensland.
PS: Les, you're right about the Terror's cropping style (or lack thereof). The car appears to be floating in mid-air...