G'day FE-FC Fans
Entrants are due to receive their 10th Nats Official Program in the next day or so. One of the optional activities mentioned is horse-riding, for those family members that would like to take a break on Saturday 26 March. Please see bulletin below from Nicola Goboly. If you are interested in going horse-riding in Man from Snowy River country - please complete the attached form and send it to Nicola ASAP.
See you in the Snowies.
Hi all
You may have noticed in our Official Program, that one of the activities that is on offer in the Snowy Mountain region is horseriding. Although we had intended to get details from everyone on Good Friday to pass on to the Horeseriding Operator, we have been asked to get that information a lot earlier so they can ensure they have all the horses available for everyone.
Can we please get those members from your club who are interested in going horseriding to complete the attached form and either email it directly back to Nicola Goboly at
Julius@towerphotographics.com.au or phone through the details to Nicola at ph (02) 6291 7540.
Can you also make sure your members are aware that that this isn't a compulsory activity and that they go riding at their own risk. (Thanks) We plan to ring the operator about next Thursday 17/3 with the details.
Thanks heaps for your help.
Take care
Nicola Goboly
(02) 62917540
Mob 0407486759