« Reply #80 on: April 26, 2005, 08:19:27 AM » |
I will keep that in mind, is it a outer. the lower half of my sils have copped most of the cancer with the only upper half of the sill being at the front, making the lower section is heaps easy, the only hard bit is making the top and bottom in one peice there at the front becuase there is so many different folds going both ways. here is a pic of the mess accumalating at the computer were I do all my research for the car. I pretty much have spent every minute since I started either working, sleeping, looking for parts and info on the net and working on the car. I cant wait to finish it and do something else for a few hours. last night I had a bit of a break with a bbq here with Craig Wilson, Zephyr Brad and Ben Wall (aka Revhead FC) so this pic now would still look the same but with more woodstock cans. PS notice the red band has gone from the new cans. 
« Reply #81 on: April 26, 2005, 08:52:06 AM » |
full outer sill from front to back cheers fatboy
fatboy 0414712441
« Reply #82 on: April 26, 2005, 09:24:06 AM » |
I have been waiting for this long weekend, I thought it would be just what I needed to get this thing finnished and painted underneath and back on its wheels. even with perfect weather unlike the crap the weather man predicted and 3 days straight of solid work and about 50 cans of woodstock bourbon I have only really just about finnished of the front passenger section of the floor. some extra stuff and modifications have been made to make it a bit stronger and stiffer for the new supercharged motor, as well as taking precuations and doing a bit of redesigning to reduce future cancer. here is a pic after the long weekend showing the car straight from the Holden backyard engineering division. It now has the passenger side inner sill section in place wich I made by hand and has circle pressings unlike the patch the last owner made, the inner sill is different from standard as this is were some of the structual redisigning has been done. the front rail is now a 50mm box section that has a 50 mm box rail welded to the end pretty solid to grab the outer subframe leg while a rail further up extends to the front mount of the rear leaf springs, further up again is were the inner leg of the subframe bolts on then a little further is another rail wich will hold the new gearbox cross member, this rail was boxed off and has tubes inserted to reinforce were the bolts will go through in the same spot as a rare spare gearbox cross member, this should help stiffen things through the centre and take some of the stress out of the inner front floors under hard acceleration. after that the front rail bends a bit to the front and is then boxed of on a agle for clearance around the tight fitting Auto transmission, here it has a rail meeting it on the inside of the floor to reinforce the tunnell. I probably could have just bolted up a chasis kit but I have saved hundreds hear making it out of scrap. I hope it all lines up and works. 
« Reply #83 on: April 26, 2005, 09:31:43 AM » |
how much do you want for that outer sill fat boy and were are you located? just incase I decide to replace the whole outer sill. here is a close up pic of the front corner, you can see in the last pic that the front drivers floor is now chopped out, this will be a hole to fill next weekend, then I will start on the rails for that side. 
« Reply #84 on: April 26, 2005, 10:08:10 AM » |
you you you crazy man. that is all.
« Reply #85 on: April 26, 2005, 10:14:53 AM » |
i live at batemans bay south coast nsw $60.00 plus freight
cheers fatboy
fatboy 0414712441
« Reply #86 on: May 02, 2005, 08:27:20 AM » |
another weekend, another fresh peice has replace a big peice of rust, thanks to ED Ho for this floor section that was origionally destined for the V8 FE wagon. man this car is taking forever, I lost a couple of hours when I couldn't find my bourbon but it has advanced from last weekend. 
« Last Edit: May 02, 2005, 08:29:53 AM by FCCOOL »
« Reply #87 on: May 02, 2005, 08:50:28 AM » |
Your neighbours must freak!
« Reply #88 on: May 02, 2005, 08:57:12 AM » |
youre neighbours must freak with seeing that our neighbours freak when they see and old car in our driveway when its on 4 wheels, and yours is on a couple of blocks of wood and by the looks of things some tins hey new storage solution, now we can fit twice as many cars as before thankz for the inspiration now we can bring home them other 7 cars  cheers torque
« Last Edit: May 02, 2005, 08:58:43 AM by torquefc »
tests have proven that the final words before a fatal urban car crash are "OH ****"
in a rural car crash they are " Hold my stubby and watch this for skill!"
« Reply #89 on: May 02, 2005, 09:06:16 AM » |
yeah srvlives, the old guy across the road is alright, he says he wishes he was younger so he could help, but the rest of the neighbours I think are pissed at me, one of them called the cops, ive put up with their dogs barking and renovations so they can eat my s%$t. I see them looking and when I look back they quickly turn away, one even shook their head. next door has had some open house inspections so lots of people get to see me work on my car. there is a snoby guy that visits next door accross the road with a ek215 who just turns his head away when he gets in and out of his car. I myself dont like it sitting like this and cant wait for it to get on its wheels again but I have to finnish early so the neighbours dont call the police, so I guess there are still a few more weekends of grinding and welding to go wich could have been nearly finnished now if I could work till 8:30 instead of 5:30 and a hour after work each day. plan is to compensate for this by starting earlier like 7am on sundays but I keep sleeping in on the weekends, maybe next sunday.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2005, 09:10:09 AM by FCCOOL »
« Reply #90 on: May 02, 2005, 09:14:13 AM » |
youre neighbours must freak with seeing that our neighbours freak when they see and old car in our driveway when its on 4 wheels, and yours is on a couple of blocks of wood and by the looks of things some tins hey new storage solution, now we can fit twice as many cars as before thankz for the inspiration now we can bring home them other 7 cars  cheers torque Do you mean you are going to store 7 cars on there side, if so paint the inside of the roof on the side that is down as soon as you tip it over, mine has gone all rusty.
« Reply #91 on: May 02, 2005, 09:27:24 AM » |
Just keep in mind Leon that you are not aloud to undertake any work or repairs on a motor vehicle within a residential block in NSW Not even change a flat tyre technicaly so give them a little rope on a sunday because if they know or find out about this law your lifestyle will be the only thing suffering . I always say theres too much red tape and hoops to jump through in this game but when it can be turned against you it can get pretty frustrating. I hope this saves you some frustration in the futre mate.
« Reply #92 on: May 02, 2005, 10:39:47 AM » |
I heard something about that from our last real estate we rented through but then when I mentioned it was my own car I worked on they said it was ok, apparently next door contacted the landlord and said something like I was doing up cars on the side like it was for a income. it happened over a weekend I spent working on my other FC in the garage, it was the only weekend I spent working on it in the whole time I lived there. we had spooky neighbours their, only came out to mow their lawn, their kids were in their late teens and wore pyjamas at 6:00pm almost everynight! They knew who we rented through and rang the real estate on a weekly basis, apparently this was part of the reason the previous tennants were only staying for a couple of months. here in sydney there is strange people everywere, you always have to watch your neighbours and be on the ball about what they are upto, everyone is worried about what each other is doing, we got a complaint here from our real estate about a washing machine in the yard, we booked a clean up but they said 2 weeks, we only had a week to get rid of the washing machine so after a week we put it out the front to keep the real estate happy, next day we got a call from the council saying we had to put it back in the yard. That afternoon I was getting out of my car when the cow up the road came into the yard and said she had to ring the council becuase if she didn't she would have to look at it through her kitchen window when she did her dishes. I didnt get it, why did she have to look at my washing machine, why couldnt she go to her luandry and look at her own. As I said before I have put up with renovations using power tools and dogs barking through the night and never complained once, I am not as low as them or maybe just not as bored. The big test will be the day I paint, the limit is 7 minutes an hour but I will offcourse have to stretch that a bit, from memory it takes me about 45 minutes to paint and I dont stop for nothing. I guess if I get neighbour hassles with the primer I might be best to find a booth. The neihbour who is the main suspect has karaoke parties sometimes, its tempting to get them squares a visit from blacktown police next time they start warming up, they sing like CRAP. I dont really get annoyed by noise unless I am trying to listen to the drags when something is on over there, the only thing that really gets me is these inconsiderate clowns playing with flowers in there garden, they make me sneeze like mad and can genuinely ruin my day, a hell of a lot worse than the noise of someone working on there car and it still hasn't been outlawed.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2005, 10:46:46 AM by FCCOOL »
« Reply #93 on: May 02, 2005, 12:48:23 PM » |
Hey Leon "Go West Young Man" (mm, pun there somewhere) Here's the type of yard you need , only Units across the street , Neighbour on the left , hardly see him . We've got room for our 6 cars , trailer & caravan , 1 fire tank , 1 plough , 1 x 2,000 lt fuel tank and still got room for another 10 cars  . As you can see , we have 'No Rain Problems" these pics were taken only days ago (we've been in drought here for 4 yrs) . Neighbour on the right , well , he's always wanting me to give the FC "a rip up the street" and always comes out "with a Beer & a Big Grin" when I start it up  , looks after our dogs & mows the lawn when we're away . Guess thats "Country Hospitality"     Norm  (Notice , the FC gets the tarp  )
I Love My "FC" 192 . Old but still a "Rev Head"
R.I.P. Norm - A Great Mate to Everyone on the Forum.
« Reply #94 on: May 02, 2005, 06:36:11 PM » |
Bugger me Norm ,I hope you do get some rain soon so it rusts out all those bloody Fo!&$. I want a yard like that but Id fill it with half finished projects hehe.
« Reply #95 on: May 03, 2005, 07:30:42 AM » |
Thanks for jinxing me harko, real estate called us today and has had complaints from the landlord who had complaints from the council who had complaints from my neighbours. bunch of non car enthusiest wankers. they are coming out tommorow to suss out the situation. that looks like a pleasant place norm, you can see why so many show cars come from places that seem to be in the middle of nowhere. but lifes pretty tough here in the big city. I had a mate living in a little town just out of tamworth, last time I stayed there he took me for a lap around the block and told me what evry residents project car was, a few hot rodders, restorers and a guy with sleeper looking chev powered FJ. it was 10 minutes to tamworth shopping centre and 110 kph the whole way there, NO TRAFFIC. when I first arrived at his house people kept stopping in to look at my car, it was like how things are when you live in heaven I suppose, but now at least when I get back out of this hole called sydney, I can tell people I came straight from hell, will that sound cool or what? another gripe about this holewith thousands of businesses around and industrial areas everywere, I wasted half a day on saturday trying to find somewere that sell a range of high tensile bolts, in newcastle I walked to a supplier from home and then from work and then when I went to get my car engineered I walked to one to get the last four so I could get it passed. this place is a pain in the arse to live, very restricted and inconvenient and it only gets worse when you leave the western suburbs. The wreckers hear has one burnt out EK and everything else is late model. up there I would cross the road, walk through a lane and I was at a wreckers that specailized in old holdens, when someone finnishes a car here themselves you have to appreciate what they must have gone through to do it.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2005, 08:11:15 AM by FCCOOL »
« Reply #96 on: May 03, 2005, 11:18:42 AM » |
Oh Geez mate sorry ! Not my intention at all .I was just trying to save ya some greif. But in all seriousness I was looking at your pic of the beast in the front yard on its side with a beer bottle next to it and just had to laugh "No offence intended" I guess once youve finaly beaten all the odds you will look back and have a good belly laugh. And another thing sydney dont got is short film festivals hey !
Model: FE and FC
Posts: 1866
Old Boonah Ambo
« Reply #97 on: May 03, 2005, 11:51:57 AM » |
Hey Leon, Got a TENT? out of site out of mind.
« Reply #98 on: May 03, 2005, 01:13:26 PM » |
Now ive got an image of Leon running around the yard with his grinder and hot melted tent all over everything hehe. Atleast youve still got your sense of humour Leon.
Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius
« Reply #99 on: May 03, 2005, 08:51:19 PM » |
Zulu is on the right track there, when I was in my teens working on my torrie at my parents place, I had a makeshift garage made up of a truck tarp. The tarps are so thick it deadens the noise of the grinding and hammering.