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Author Topic: new to forum and need help  (Read 7486 times)
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« on: December 17, 2004, 12:51:34 PM »

I am new to this forum and have restored other vehicles, just done a 57 split screen kombi and I have always liked the early Holden wagons, here is my problem I dont know how to tell one from the other.
I have also been reading some posts and what is the differance between a 219 or 229 model.

Also if I do get a wagon how available are the spares like sills, floors etc.

Last question Honest.

In South Australia what front and engine can you fit legally, just thinking of a disc front for saftey reasons, sorry if this is a purist site but with 2 babies I want it to be safe.

Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius
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« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2004, 01:15:00 PM »

G'day Dave and welcome to the Forum.
Firstly, there is a vast amount of info (and arguements Smiley ) available to you by using the search feature. People will readily answer your questions though as you will see.

Parts are generally available through Rare Spares and other places. Slim in NSW also does a sterling job in supplying parts to a lot of the members on the board through out Australia.

Don't worry about the type of people here, some are purists and others love to modify (like me).

To the best of my knowledge (last time I inquired) with a HR Disc front end fitted you can legally fit a STANDARD NON-EFI 202. Please note the STANDARD part, they didn't tell me up front about this and now I need an engineer's report and lane change test for a modded 202 in my beastie. Dept of Transport also have leaflets covering what mods are allowed etc, drop into Regency Park to pick one up.

Good luck in finding a wagon or be prepared to travel. I have tried for a number of years on and off to get a good wagon only to have deals fall through or find a bunch of rust. It seems other states fare better when it comes to clean wagons for sale.

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« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2004, 01:50:27 PM »

Hi Dave ,
    As Stinky (Glen) said ,  Welcome aboard .                                      
  Mate , you've come to the right place here , ALL the FE/FC brains are here ,  just ask and you'll find out anything ya want to know .
  As for 219 - 229 etc. on the first page (where you clicked on "forum" ) go into "tech data" and all is explained for model No's and ID plates. Annnnnd there's more,  Wink , there's a wealth of info in there , worth a look.

  Norm  Smiley


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« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2004, 02:08:25 AM »

219 is a "standard" model whilst 229 is a "special" model.
Basically the difference is cosmetic with 229 having extra chrome stripes, 2 tone paint option, 2 tone interior with arm rests, indicators and a few other minor additions

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« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2004, 03:19:28 AM »

Thanks for the quick replies, As I said I have just completed the kombi and now want something else to do and my favorite is the early wagons with the curved rear side glass,
I will have to curise this site to see what the diffeances are between models.

Now to open a can of worms.

What are the best ones, fb fc fe ek.

Any replies welcomed as I am totally ignorant to this scene and will appreciate any help you can give.

Thasnks in advance

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Jim Altmann
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« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2004, 03:56:52 AM »

I am bias and will say FC, however if you want something rare I will say FE standard.

Now for some thing different I will also say I do like a nice FB wagon done in two tone Yellow and White. I have seen both wagon and sedan in these colours and the both looked great but the wagon was schmick. In saying that I like my knee's so will not buyan FB or EK and I do not really like the grill or tail lights.

Cheers Jim
« Last Edit: December 18, 2004, 04:14:35 AM by Ariesguy65 » Logged

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Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius
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« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2004, 04:23:52 AM »

If there is one thing I have noticed about the FE/FC differences is that FEs tend to be more for the "custom crowd" and the FCs are more of a "street machine". There are of course exceptions.

When it's an early holden, there is no "best" as they all have their common problems and the cars are approaching their half century.

IMHO your choice of car should be whatever model YOU like the best.

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« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2004, 05:14:49 AM »

I don't know that there is a "best one".  I have FEs, so I'm a bit biased I suppose, but like Jim I don't care that much for some design aspects of FB/EKs.

For what it's worth the FE - being the first Holden wagon produced - was rare then and even more so now.  There are fewer than 10 FE Standard Wagons known of around the country.  FC wagons are considerably easier to come by.


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« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2004, 05:41:19 AM »


Of course there is a best one...

A FC wagon.

It needs no justification.


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« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2004, 05:43:37 AM »

Dave....are you the "DAVE" with the immaculate Split Screen Kombi that you can't decide whether or not to sell ?

My friend is in a search for a Split Screen Kombi, and I came accross a DAVE with a Greyish blue and white splitty who was thinking of selling on a VW website forum.   If that is you, it's a small world...and welcome to the only thing that could take your interest from a rare kombi van.....FE /FC holdens !

I am rebuilding a 58 FC sedan, and am a member of the WA FE-FC car club.   Now, I'm not sure if it's by default or by design, but our club "seems" to have more wagons and vans than anything else.  I thought they were more scarce than the sedans ( and maybe they are ), but heck our club has it's fair share of wagons.

Good luck with your future ride, and if it is you that had the kombi for sale, all I can say to the other forum users on this site, is WATCH OUT, as Dave's Kombi was unbelievable......and a real credit to the skills, and hard work Dave put in....whatever early model wagon Dave chooses, will surely be one to keep an eye on.

If your are not the person I'm referring to, then this will make no sense at all, and you'll think I've been sniffing too much rust converter.


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« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2004, 11:01:55 AM »


I'm relatively new to this forum, too - about 6 months - but I can say this:  it's the best place you'll find for information, expertise, help, parts and a laugh from time to time.  Even if you don't get an FE or FC, you'll find the guys here are more than ready to help anybody out.

But you can only get so much from reading:  you want to talk to a few people and have a look at some cars - modified and stock standard.  My suggestion is that the best place to do that is at the local FE FC Holden car club.

The SA club meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month at the Toc-H Hall in Delaine Avenue, Edwardstown.  Meetings start at 8:00pm, but a lot of people begin arriving from 7:30pm to have a talk about cars; and with daylight saving, it's a good opportunity for you to see some cars in good light.  You don't have to be an FE or FC owner to come along.

Give me a call if you like  8377 0893


By the way - the FC has lots of nice shiny chrome and is the better looking model of the two!!  Grin
« Last Edit: December 18, 2004, 11:02:59 AM by lewis1411 » Logged

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« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2004, 12:02:41 PM »

Blown FC
Yes I am the one who was thinking of selling the kombi.
Thanks for the comments.
Hadnt restored a car until I did mine and now I want to do another.
I had intended to do it as a camper but got carried away and then was too scared to drive it
Having another baby and so decided to keep it, and I am now abusing it, if I wreck it I will just fix it.
I dont want to do another and the only other car I really like is a wagon,
The missus doesnt know about this yet, she was a bit peeved when I spent 3 and a half years in the shed with the kombi so I will have to keep this quiet

What is the problem with some regarding knees, Is that an in joke Huh?

I saw that the local club meets round the corner from me , I live in Melrose Park, I will go to the next one, so if you see the kombi please say hello.

I wont post a pic of the kombi, I dont want to get kicked off the site after being a member for only 2 days.

« Last Edit: December 18, 2004, 12:10:50 PM by 57bus » Logged
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« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2004, 12:58:01 PM »

Lets see the Kombi Dave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2004, 11:53:50 PM »

I think if Dave is not partial to any model between Fe to Ek then buy the best one available.There seems to be more cars for sale in Qld at the moment.I myself like FB wagons.
Cheers Geoff
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« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2004, 03:02:20 AM »

Dave....I think you'll find that most members on this site, love cars and bikes and anything with a motor in it....and although no-one really wants to see this site get filled with non FE FC junk, I'm sure there are a few of us who would appreciate seeing a pic of your Kombi....it will show most of us that although you are new to this forum, you are certainly not new in your talents when it comes to restoring classic cars / vans.

Heck...my first car was a Mini Cooper....I know other guys ( like me ) on this site are into bikes...and there is almost a break away group of caravan lovers.

Lots of FE / FC owners love nothing more than towing there beloved 50's / 60's model caravans behind there 50's / 60's model cars.

So if you get kicked off the site for showing a pic of your Van...then I'll leave in protest......( lol )...will never happen....us Old Holden guys are pretty easy going.


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« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2004, 03:45:56 AM »

Hi Dave and Welcome!
The "Knee Joke" for later model (FB,EK) cars is that when the general designed the wrap around windscreen (copied from 57 Chev) they had to continue the lower edge to make it squared off and this ensures the windscreen frame protrudes into the door opening and as people climb in and out, quite often the knee would meet this design masterpiece, has been the (pun intended) sore spot of the model for ever!
I have an FJ and an EK wagon so I have had experience, but now looking for an FC to finnish off the early troupe!
You will not find a more helpful and friendly bunch of guys anywhere, internet or real life ones! and the advice they give is genuine and most helpful!
Good luck with your search and in the end pick whatever model appeals as each has their ups and downs.
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« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2004, 05:09:27 AM »

I have to admit, you have been a lot more helpful than the vw site I visit, it seems that there is no attitude here and all just try and help each other,
I am really going to start looking for a wagon now.

I do know of a wreckers here in S.A. about an hour or two away that has about 6 wagons, I know about it because he had some split buses and I got some parts for mine from there.
I will now go back after Christmas and have a good look at the wagons.

I dont know how to post a pic of my kombi. Havent used another site to host my pics, they are just in my computer.
Not really a comp geek, spend too much time in my garage.
If anyone really interested can I email them a pic and if they could post it that would be great,

Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius
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« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2004, 05:54:42 AM »

Hey Dave, if you could give me some info on that wreckers, once you have picked yours out, I would appreciate it greatly.

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« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2004, 11:06:41 AM »

Hey Dave.
Welcome to the site.
It seems that FE/FC wagons are seeing a surge in interest of late. Many new ones turning up and many projects started. The advice given earlier is sound if you are not too fussed between FE-EK.....buy the best example/base you can find. This will get you out of the garage quicker and keep the little woman happy.
I would love to see the Kombi and would be happy to post the pics for you. Just forward them to my email.

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« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2004, 12:01:14 PM »

No problem Glenn.

Might let you know before hand see if you want to come and have a look.

Will be in the new year.

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