No the same laws DO NOT apply to acrylic but they can fine you if you piss 'em off enough...Strangely Acrylic has been out lawed from use in the USA for over twenty years now... Its the High VOC ( volatile Organic Compounds ) That gets up the EPA 's to speak... Becuase the acrylic is applied with conventional spray equipment and relies heavily on solvents to carry the paint to the job, it was deemed an enviromental ,ozone depleting bad substance... much better if everyone used a product that only kills people ,not the ozone layer.. so two pack in the States is allowed to be used Adfinitum..... Its the opposite here and strangley enough we have not decided to copy the US lead and followed suit. Our EPA officers think acrylic is fine and when asked why its a very bad thing in the USA and not here, they are suprised to learn its been banned there for some time... So expect to see any sort of painting banned here eventually as well. My shop is required by law to use HVLP spray equipment for two pack application... (Hi Volume Low Pressure). As I pay large amounts of money to the council to operate my business so I tend to track down and have closed down any Backyard operators in my area...The council also expects this of me, and I generally warn the individual first and if they tell me to get stuffed I just pass it onto the council.... Not a very Aussie attitude I agree but at least I give them a sporting chance... the council dosent.... I reccomend using a shops booth as well as all the saftey gear... getting sick and dying slowly whilst being raked over the coals by the council/EPA, leaves a lot to be desired in my books... I charge $200 for booth hire but I no longer really rent it out anymore... The customer has to get past my rabid Kiwi painter first.....
Each full paint job I do is charged out at $200 for booth and enviro levy .. this we tell the client up front where as many shops hide this expense... At nearly $1000 for booth filters every few months , you can see we dont make any money out of it... it just covers running expenses... Cheers streetneat......