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Author Topic: My Pride and Joy's  (Read 20218 times)
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« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2012, 09:36:09 PM »

This is a great post Rod. Keep them coming.


Wayne b
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« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2012, 09:43:42 PM »

Well final post for me tonight. Sorry to bore you all with my progress. If I can inspire only one person to have a go at doing some of these repairs it will be worth it.

Once I assessed the tail gate, I decided to blend the paint into the bottom of the guards. The result was even better than the tail gate. Rub back tomorrow and will put the final coats down.

I have a little rust in the passengers side door and spare wheel door (may see this in some pics). I feel very confident that I can repair these but have yet to make my mind up. Bring on another school holiday.

I said earlier on I would give a run down on how things went with the carbys. The old girl now really wants to get up and go from about 35 miles / hour onwards. There has been an improvement here. Is this due to the carbys or the increased compression ratio I am not sure. Possibly a combination of both. One detriment I have found and I hope this is because I haven't tuned the motor properly is that it seems to be guzzling the fuel. I haven't filled up since the first fill to measure the economy but just going by the mileage against the gauge there has been an increase in consumption even though I have reduced the size of the power bi pass jets. I have some 46 mains which I may try but I am conscious of not leaning it off too much. I suspect now that I have put Venturi Restrictors in and replaced and bushed the Throttle shafts that there has been a increase in vacuum. With this comes sucking more fuel into the motor. This is my theory. If anyone else has another suggestion I would love to hear from you.

This forum is absolutely great. I have learnt so much and thank you all for assistance over the years. Many of you have inspired me to have a go at doing things myself. If others out there like me who are hesitant- just have a go. The worse thing that can happen is that you need to employ some else to fix things up. The chances of that are minimal.

Interestingly I am good friends with the mechanics son who original owned the ute. He is a mechanic also. I have asked him occasionally for some guidance and his response has been "you know more about these than I do". This is testament to a lot of people here.

Thats enough for me for now. I will post some updates when the touch ups and good cut polish has concluded. As I said in an earlier post, if Mods would like to change the location of this thread feel free to do so. However its about finished.
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Jim Altmann
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« Reply #22 on: January 27, 2012, 10:27:50 PM »

Hi Rod
Love your cars and the history behind them, keep up the great work and keep posting.

Cheers Jim

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« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2012, 12:10:05 PM »

Keep up the great work and informative commentary, you are giving me a lot of inspiration to tackle another project. You are making it look easy. Another thing you are finding out, as i have previously, is that when you get a quote for work to be done by others, they are quoting what they can see and that there quote will quickly blow out once they find the extras that you have found. Personal satisfaction and learning is another great motivator to do these things yourself, also it takes the myths away that we perceive that panel beaters and spray painters are magicians that are the only ones that can perform such a task.
 Keep going along one bit at a time and do each piece to the best of your ability and you cant go wrong,

Cheers Scotty
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« Reply #24 on: January 29, 2012, 10:08:21 AM »

Bore us. This is great. Doing a great job!!! Love the story. That's what the forum is all about.. Now I'm off the the man cave to toil.

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« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2012, 10:49:09 AM »

A minor update and maybe this should be in the general section. Have run a few tanks of fuel through and at this rate I will need to take out a loan to feed this old girl. Getting 16 miles/gallon around town with 17 miles/gallon with 90% highway driving at 95km/h. Prior to the work on the carby's I was getting 22-23 around town and 27-28 on the road. I have put in Venturi Restrictors, had the throttle shafts redone and reduced Power Bypass Jets down from No:67 to 70. I have left the mains at 48. I suspect that I hasn't precise with the drilling of the Power Bypass jets. I I am going to do another set and see how I go. I have the use of a miniture drill press and trust that this will be more accurate. If this fails I will put a set of 46 mains in and see how it goes. As I previously said I don't want to lean her off too much. The difference has been quite substantial pre and post carby work. Low down which I was looking at, particularly the flat spot is now non existant. Next thing is to get those extractors to make it breath even more.

About ready to retension the head. Can anyone provide their approach to this. Coolant will go in after the retension. Hope to have the final block back of the painted areas this week after letting it settle for a few weeks. Looking forward in how my novice paint work comes up after this.
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« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2012, 05:47:45 PM »

Great work there Rod,I am also dealing the gasless mig ,but I am getting better at it.

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« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2012, 12:43:28 PM »

hey rod
                                                   CHEERS GEARDY Cheesy
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« Reply #28 on: March 11, 2012, 11:18:46 PM »

Well its the long weekend upon us, I thought I would tackle a job that I have held off for some time and was going to get a pro to do. Starting to become a little cocky so I had a go myself - Spare Wheel Door of the ute. Some rust has been showing for sometime and hasnt got out of hand took much but enough if I didn't do soemthing it might get to the point of being unrepairable - we all know that these doors are like rocking horse poo.

Started today and I recon I might finish tomorrow, to the point of undercoat at least.

Here is some pics.






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