Someone sent me a link to this a few days ago. I guess it can't hurt to sign the petition (privacy statements notwithstanding), but there are two things odd about this:
1. The petition has been set up by a Victorian solicitor.
2. All you can find on the net about this plan are circular references to the petition. There are no links to any hard stories about proposed changes (that I could find, anyway).
If there is anything to it, I'd love to know more.
yeah funny that
i did today what everybody should do and that's speak to an engineer he said there's changes nobody really knows what they are or when they'll take place but believed to be more towards fibreglass/repro chassis HOT RODS, NOT MPV's he said continue on with the 2 i'm doing there'll be no dramas
they should change the name of the internet to chinese whispers you should see how blown out of proportion this has become on some forums ::)one even had people saying ALL modified cars would have there regos cancelled and you'de have to reapply and if you had to many mods you'de need to rego as ICV LOL
but amoungst all this stuff i've read one thing that has to be a good thing and that's a body/ association similar to ASRF that covers ALL car enthooziests from resto to hot rod to imports and mini trucks and everything in between to give us all a voice to try and stop the government knuckle heads with no clue of the differance between a radiator and a tyre lever with the stroke of a pen wrecking our hobby/fun and in some cases livelyhoods