The latest Street machine magazine Hot Rod Annual 2009 (see Alex's (customFC) post) features a section on various model Norman Superchargers and the people that have run them.
Well, last weekend a mate of mine rolls up to my place announcing that he has some speed parts that need moving on and mentions that he has a Norman Supercharger , he was unaware of the current magazine article.So I go over to his place to take photos of the blower as I know that they are pretty cool bits of speed equipment ,both for go and for historical reasons.He ended up letting me take it home to show another friend who is interested.
Can anyone ID what model it is and the year/s of manufacture,It seems to match up with the Norman Brochure Alex posted here:
Norman Supercharger brochureThere are no markings as such except for an "A" stamped on the vane housing and of course the name Norman cast in the end housings. The fins are extrusions ,not cast
Also does anyone know what the market value is (i am informed by the present owner that he got it from the son of a bloke who never ran it)and how streetable is this version as the vanes are phenolic and the inner housing seems to have a teflon type coating
Here are some pics (brown marks that appear on inlet and outlet faces are bits of oiled paper used to seal the blower for storage)
Cheers RM