gday guys
not sure where the best place was to post this question so here looks as good as any
Saw some Holden collecters cards at the markets ( you know the kind of place you pick up genuine imitations at bargain prices to good to be true ) The brand name on them was KRYPTYX. the honest looking stall holder said they have been on the market for a few years but he has only just found them and started selling them
there are two sets of editions with lots of cards in each. the cars feature all models of holdens and other holden related pictures ( factory shots etc )
He had them as individual editions, sets of both editions, cards in albums or the seperate editions in collector tin cases
Just wondering if anybody has seen them before or has them or knows what they are worth
Looked up KRYPTYX on E Bay and found a couple of the cards selling for $4.50 each,... which makes the tinned editions for $50.00 ea seem cheap
Do I race out and spend $100.00 on little picture cards or put it towards my MT Gambier Nationals (is going to cost me a fortune ) Fund