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1  Technical Board / General Technical / Gearbox model? on: December 08, 2021, 10:49:50 PM
I picked up a gearbox and has number stamped as B114339 Can anyone tell me originally what this may have been out of.
2  Technical Board / General Technical / Re: Harmonic balancer oil leaks on: February 04, 2021, 02:58:02 PM
Harv, Further to my oil leak drama, I machined a new ss collar for the oil seal on the harmonic balancer. All good and fits nice. Start up and oil is coming from the centre of the harmonic balancer I assume between the crank shaft and balancer bore, so took it off again and oil pored out of the seal. I saw a post from you on another site about high level of oil in the timing cover. The oil in this one must have been up level with the top of the crank. You mentioned about a blocked oil return at the bottom of the timing cover area. Where about it it as I cant see it?
3  Technical Board / General Technical / Re: Harmonic balancer oil leaks on: January 31, 2021, 06:32:49 PM
Hi Rob
I understand what you are saying. I dont have a vacuum gauge. The head was reconditioned with new valves, seats for unleaded new valve stem guides and seals. I can only assume the clearances were correct. If the couple of things that I am going to do dont work then I will do what you say. If there was pressure build up Ii would have thought there would be leaks from other seals. I am thinking now what other seals
4  Technical Board / General Technical / Re: Harmonic balancer oil leaks on: January 31, 2021, 01:11:55 PM
Hi Rob
The engine number is J60111 Thanks Rob
5  Technical Board / General Technical / Re: Harmonic balancer oil leaks on: January 31, 2021, 01:10:24 PM
Hi Rob
There is oil being slung on the subframe not the bonnet. The slinger has been fitted. The balancer is on all the way. There are no marks on the crank, actually polished the crank diameter and the balancer bore before fitting. There is no oil being slung from the front of the balancer so guess its not coming through via the crank. New key was fitted. I mentioned earlier I have taken the balancer off again and the speedy  sleeve looks deformed with ribs evident. The balancer was well prepared beforehand. Cheers Rob
6  Technical Board / General Technical / Re: Harmonic balancer oil leaks on: January 31, 2021, 12:59:07 PM
Hi Ric
Thanks for the points on the speedy seal, yes any sleeve I make will be to the standard size
7  Technical Board / General Technical / Re: Harmonic balancer oil leaks on: January 31, 2021, 12:22:00 PM
Hi Rob, Can you give me a price on the reconditioned balancer please, use my email if you wish robal@iinet.net.au Thanks Rob
8  Technical Board / General Technical / Re: Harmonic balancer oil leaks on: January 31, 2021, 12:19:48 PM
Hi Glenn, I thought about the engine plate, but gaskets were all new when it was built. I have however checked for oil leaks from this area and down to the engine mount. There is no evidence that oil is coming from behind the plate, its more forward from that, getting back to the timing case harmonic balancer seal, as its throwing the oil around that would not happen with the engine plate I think.
9  Technical Board / General Technical / Re: Harmonic balancer oil leaks on: January 31, 2021, 12:15:39 PM
Hi Ric
I am suspicious about the speedy seal, the surface was good before it was put on. Having said that I just pulled the balancer off and the speedy seal looks deformed can feel ribs on it. I think this might be the problem now. As I said earlier I am going to machine a proper bush and do away with the speedy seal then there is no possibility of oil getting under it
10  Technical Board / General Technical / Re: Harmonic balancer oil leaks on: January 31, 2021, 10:14:51 AM
Hi Rob.
I have heard about you (all good) and thanks for the contact, see what I said to Vern. The engine has only done about 50 km since build.All the parts you mentioned are new, crank grind etc, the motor runs sweet. I did wipe the bottom of the cover maybe some residue but not as much as I would have expected. Can you let me know if you have a balancer available and cost. I think I will add that to the options, cheers Rob
11  Technical Board / General Technical / Re: Harmonic balancer oil leaks on: January 31, 2021, 10:04:56 AM
Hi Vern.
Yes this is driving me mad, everything else on the car is perfect apart from overheating and I discovered it must run a 7 lb non recovery cap not 13 0r 15. All good now added a thermo fan in addition to the original temp now comes down to under 180.

Back to the issue, its leaking more than a few drops, if it was that it would not bother me. The fan or harmonic balancer throws it all over the place. I built the engine and has all new bits in it. Must say that was a while ago and it was only finished and licensed recently. I have a few timing covers and one is different but only to the point that the seal may run in a different position, but Ii am not totally convinced of that though, yes the support piece is fitted to the bottom of the cover. It has all the right bolts and lengths, as you know there are a mixture of long bolts, short bolts, screws and a couple of smaller diameter bolts. Machined up the alignment bush, fitted this through the seal first then on to the crank then bolted it down, have done this three times and new seals each time. Used two different harmonic balancers, ended up with both having speedy sleeves fitted and new crank key just in case it was leaking through the key. The only thing thats not new is the harmonic balancer, is the oil leaking past the sleeve or is the sleeve not in the right position. its not a long sleeve. In desperation I bought a new powerbond balancer, could not get it on as the diameter in the bore is too small. What I am going to do next is machine the seal diameter on the original balancer down and sleeve it and re machine to size, Also going to machine the bore of the new balancer to the right dimensions and try that if the original does not work again.
12  Technical Board / General Technical / Harmonic balancer oil leaks on: January 30, 2021, 09:24:55 PM
I have a problem with oil leaking from the harmonic balancer. The oil seal has been replaced, new cover gasket, easy sleeve on the balancer, new crank key. Timing cover aligned with aligning bush, This has been an ongoing process, all of these things that have been done have been done twice over even different harmonic balancers. Its still leaking, cant determine where its coming from, there is no oil residue from the seal area. I was told a user in this group with the name ARDIESSE recons the grey balancers. I wonder is anyone else has had this an oil leak mystery
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