FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

Galleries => Project Cars - FEs and FCs Under Construction => Topic started by: Mrs EffCee on May 05, 2009, 08:15:47 PM

Title: EffCee's project
Post by: Mrs EffCee on May 05, 2009, 08:15:47 PM
OMG...I can't believe it! After 12 months 1 day and about 3 hours we finally have something happening on this bloody FC. Thanks mainly to the arrival of Keith's eldest son Peter from Queensland, to lend a hand, and some much needed motivation from NosFEratu, and a little bit of ribbing from the other well known members of the forum. ;)  As some of you will know I only joined the forum to be able to give an HONEST update on Effcee's FC.... it's sat untouched in the same spot for 12 months 1 day and 3 hours (oh did I mention that already).. thus the reason I haven't been on the forum for the last 12 months 1 day and 3 hours (oh sorry).  ;)
Anyway.. very very very pleased to now be able to announce we have progress and I finally feel that we just might be able to make it to Orange (in the FC) come April.   ;D. I have attached some photo's taken on Sunday night and although it still looks like a long way to go, now that he has started I have endeavoured to clear his schedule, allocate some funds, and stop making lists for him so that he may continue making progress and hopefully get us to Orange. And if the FC isn't ready I've told him we're taking my FORD... if that's not enough motivation I don't know what is!!!  :D :D :D

(http://inlinethumb38.webshots.com/19877/2118448120060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

(http://inlinethumb13.webshots.com/42508/2702304530060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

I look forward to providing more updates in the near future.

(He tells me I nearly need another update now... but I can't see much difference from the photo's above yet)   :) :) :)
Mrs EffCee

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius on May 05, 2009, 08:48:21 PM
Thanks for the update Mrs EffCee, so how much is he chopping the roof?  ;D

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: NosFEratu on May 05, 2009, 09:23:18 PM
Thanks for the update Mrs EffCee, so how much is he chopping the roof?  ;D

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  my thoughts exactly!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Keep cracking that whip on him Sandra - now you've got him started don't let him stop!  :D  Just let me know if he needs a good smack around the head at any time and I'll see what I can do for you!  ;)

Oh and nice to see you've made a public declaration that you'll try to stop making lists for him!  ;D Please note that you will now be held accountable to that!  ;D


Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: Paul In Ireland on May 06, 2009, 12:25:46 AM
I think it's really sad that you have hindered him for so long  ;D

I am sure Keith was dying to get going but you kept giving him other stuff to do...  ;)

You do know he has a special meeting up north in about 5 or 6 weeks  ::) and he is to be forgiven for that.

Apart from that, he should be aiming for Christmas - that way it'll be ready for April !!  :D


Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: mrs EffCees mum on May 07, 2009, 09:00:18 PM
Well well what a difference in just 2 weeks.

When I was at Keith and Sandys house while he was OS (by the way that's overseas, not obviously stupid). I struggled to get into the garage for all the junk that was in, around and on the fc body.

Now you can actually see the car and the floor!!! :o

And Keith, nice to see your priorities are in order, the new curtain pelmets put up 'before' starting on the car.  :)

I haven't seen any pics of my new magic carpet yet though ???

Love to all, and I will just pull my head in again for another 12 months.

Mrs EffCees Mum

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: jack_fc on May 07, 2009, 09:14:16 PM
Will you be bringing Mrs EffCees Mum to Orange, too??
She sounds pretty cool
(probably about my vintage; might be able to do a line with her  ;D)

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: pedro on May 08, 2009, 02:24:06 PM
Mrs. effCee, good to see you are Mrs effCee's mum are finally getting Keith motivated, the hints on motivation Kathi sent will help ;)(wish i could get my missus to want me to go to the shed).

Just one other hint though,

Oh and nice to see you've made a public declaration that you'll try to stop making lists for him!   Please note that you will now be held accountable to that!

Be carefull what you say in public because Kathi has a really, really good memory ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: NosFEratu on May 08, 2009, 02:52:05 PM
Which has been known to fail me at times too!  :D

I think now that Keith has started he'll be pretty motorvated (engine-vated?) to keep going.

I think there's gonna be a lotta work happening on a lotta FEs and FCs across Australia in the next 11 months.  Somehow I think the forum will get a bashing in the updates stakes!

Best of luck to Keith and all others trying to get a car ready for Nationals - keep posting your progress for us all.  :D


Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: Mrs EffCee on May 08, 2009, 06:29:44 PM
Will you be bringing Mrs EffCees Mum to Orange, too??
She sounds pretty cool
(probably about my vintage; might be able to do a line with her  ;D)

Mrs EffCee's Mum will not be coming to Orange to the best of my knowledge. Which is probably a great pity as Mrs EffCees Mum has a penchant for FC's. After all Mrs EffCee (Sandy) was conceived in the back of one. (Much to Sandy's embarassment)

Who knows what might have been Jack.... ( I am pretty sure those days are long gone)

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: Mrs EffCee on May 08, 2009, 08:22:14 PM
ahhhhh.... that last post was obviously put on by EffCee (who forgot to log me out)

and good on you honey for bringing that up AGAIN!! That unuseful bit of "too much information" has already been round the forum once, don't really need to remind people, do we??  :-[ :-[ :-[

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: mrs EffCees mum on May 08, 2009, 08:36:40 PM
Nice shade of pink you are wearing Sandy  :-[

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: Mrs EffCee on May 08, 2009, 08:57:54 PM
oi mum, I think we should ban you from this forum, every time you pop in to say hello we seem to inevitably end up on the subject of where I came from  :o  :-\

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: mrs EffCees mum on May 08, 2009, 09:28:15 PM
Now now Sandy, it's Mothers Day on Sunday you and that son in law have to be nice to me ;D

Oh and where do you young whippersnappers get of thinking your parents are 'past it'? ???

Got your parcel today, love the card from the Prince and Princess - and no I haven't opened the present.

Love you


Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: Mrs EffCee on May 08, 2009, 10:02:34 PM
Now, getting back on track.... Keith and his son Peter, have been very busy boys over the last few days and making the most of time before Keith goes back to work, and Pete back to QLD on Monday. We now have almost all the body panels of the shell in bare metal AND the rotisserie is just about finished too. Tomorrow there are plans to swap front and rear ends over with his spare FC currently resting at a mates house. (I won't be going over with him though, so hopefully he won't get side tracked and be gone too long), don't worry Kathi, I'll put him on a time limit.  ;D

As he has been out in the shed ALL week. I have given him the day off on Sunday (so he can spoil me, make me breakfast in bed, and just generally pamper me)  ;D ;D.... but I'll make sure he gets back out in that shed asap after Sunday.

Keep an eye open for updated photo's on Monday night.

cheers to all

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius on May 09, 2009, 03:34:09 PM


Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: pedro on May 11, 2009, 12:31:28 PM
LOL ;D ;D ;D.

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: jack_fc on May 11, 2009, 01:43:47 PM

Its Monday     wheres the pichers??   ???

   ;) ;) ;)

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: Mrs EffCee on May 11, 2009, 06:02:52 PM
gee you guys are unrelenting!!! Not long got home from work. Have taken some pics. He has all the junk back in the car cause he is under strick instructions to clean up enough each day that I can at least get my car back in the garage for the night, but nonetheless you can still see the progress. Will upload them as soon as I have fed the kids, dog, cat etc. Gotta get my priorties right  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: Mrs EffCee on May 11, 2009, 09:25:56 PM

(http://inlinethumb20.webshots.com/43475/2693442400060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

FC pretty much all bare metal

(http://inlinethumb59.webshots.com/42298/2070762320060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

Rotisserie nearly finished

(http://inlinethumb53.webshots.com/43316/2909476410060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

Another shot of progress

(http://inlinethumb13.webshots.com/43020/2891504190060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

hole in floor?? I'm thinking "Flintstones, meet the Flintstones" (Keith says rust cut out..... just looks like a hole to me)  ;D ;D

So he really did bust his backside all last week, with a LOT of help from son Pete. Saturday they spent the day toing and froing between our house and his mates ripping front ends and bits and pieces out from one car and bringing back here for this car (now that sounds confusing... I told him when he bought the FC he was only allowed one project at a time, absolutely no two cars going at the same time!!... do ya think he'd listen.... story of my married life)  :D :D.  I think he probably got a little side tracked along the way cause I don't think he got as much done on Saturday as he could have if I was supervising properly!

But over all I have seen an amazing transformation in the last week and I'm very proud of him.  ::) His progress has inspired me to keep nagging him ;D (to work on the car that is). Progress may slow down a little as his back at work now but I will endeavour to try and give him as much "free time" as possible when he is home. ;)

Hopefully some more update pics in the not too distant future (don't want it to be another 12 months before I get to chat to you all.. :-\   ;D ;D

All the best to everyone

Mrs EffCee

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: EffCee on May 12, 2009, 09:01:26 AM
Further to Mrs EffCees update. Peter and I spent most of last week removing the paint from the panels. The rotisserie was made so that we could get into the underneath and strip that back to bare metal also. I hope to finish the rotisserie this week. The rust was cut out by the previous owner, and before the new floor section goes in I have to put in a transmission tunnel that has been cut from an EK auto.

Before Peter went back to Queensland i decided that I would be better to have the front and rear end removed from the other FC that I have stored at Scott's house. This FC was originally bought for the parts but will be restored ata later date. The HR disc brake front end and HR rear end was removed (big thankyou to Scott) and the FC front and rear end fitted so that the car could be moved in and out of Scott's garage as required.

FC 225-40072 S
(http://inlinethumb46.webshots.com/42861/2859516460060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

Front end out
(http://inlinethumb62.webshots.com/39229/2785773200060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: NosFEratu on May 20, 2009, 10:30:55 PM
What no progress this week?  What happened to all that enthusiasm about getting to Orange?  Not impressed EffCee and..... not impressed Mrs EffCee for letting him slack off!  Consider yourselves smacked around the head - now where's your update?  >:(  ;) :D

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: EffCee on May 21, 2009, 02:06:49 PM
Progressing slowly since going back to work.... however have still made some progress. Will post foters pichers something for you to look at soon ;)

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: EffCee on May 27, 2009, 12:31:10 PM
Doors 101

Due to circumstances beyond our control, my wife was laid off work in February, I was quite busy leading up to ANZAC Day and didn’t get anything done on the car when she was off. My wife now has been given temporary employment for 3 months at this stage but this means that I have to look after the kids until 2.00pm when I go to work. This happens on Monday to Wednesday, as there aren't any daycare positions on these days available at the moment. On Thursday and Friday they go to daycare so I am able to get a few hours to myself to do things with power tools and welders that I won’t use while the kids are in the garage.

So the task was to find something that the kids can get involved with that they can help me with. I thought that I would start on the doors. In pulling the doors apart the kids get to do as much as possible and I help them out in stripping the door down.

My assistants

(http://inlinethumb03.webshots.com/6594/2265272430060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

Working feverishly

(http://inlinethumb52.webshots.com/44979/2361457570060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: NosFEratu on May 27, 2009, 05:25:46 PM
Good to see you have a workforce to supervise there Keith!  :D  You keep making 'em earn their pocket money!  ;) :D

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: mrs EffCees mum on May 27, 2009, 05:38:31 PM
Now I ask you, what kind of son in law is that, making my precious little Prince and Princess slave over a dirty car just so he has an excuse to get into the garage. >:(
You really dug deep for that one Keith!

Although they are both a picture of concentration, I hate to say this but I bet they enjoyed themselves. :-\

I would really like you to keep in mind that Katie is my Princess, it didn't happen with her mother so pleeeeeeeeease let me have her as a little lady, she is my last hope!!!!

Mrs Effcees Mum

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: jack_fc on May 27, 2009, 06:06:56 PM

Hey, hang on a sec, Mrs EffCees mum!  ???
"ladies" and "working on old Holdens" aren't mutually exclusive, are they Kathi?   ::) ::) ::)
Such a sexist attitude shouldn't be tolerated, specially around here!

And with a pair of able assistants like that, Keith will make it to Orange with time up his sleeve!

cheers jack

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: EffCee on May 27, 2009, 06:11:07 PM
Now I ask you, what kind of son in law is that, making my precious little Prince and Princess slave over a dirty car just so he has an excuse to get into the garage. >:(

A bloody good son in law ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Just wait for next year, Jack AND Katie will also have season tickets to the football

Although they are both a picture of concentration, I hate to say this but I bet they enjoyed themselves. :-\

They did, Just have a look at that concentration on Jack's face, he kept going until it was all pulled apart. After a while Katie played with my spanners and Sully. That is all good, I know that she just needs a little more time. ;D  ;D

I would really like you to keep in mind that Katie is my Princess, it didn't happen with her mother so pleeeeeeeeease let me have her as a little lady, she is my last hope!!!!

Mrs Effcees Mum

Katie is the perfect little princess, if you look closely at the tracksuit top she is wearing it definitely states "Princess". By the time that she is ten she will know the inside and outsides of a car, which is more than I can say for your daughter, no matter how hard I seem to try.


Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: mrs EffCees mum on May 27, 2009, 07:05:16 PM
Dear jackfc (haven't yet thought of any good replies to EffCee yet, but I'm working on it)

I am not saying ladies can't work on Fc's, because when I was 18 (yeh yeh EffCee it was a long time ago  :-[ ) I could change a gear box out of an fc panelvan with the best of them. Had to or I wouldn't have seen much of my then husband. Come to think of it that didn't really help much either. ::)

But as I mentioned previously, I really wanted a ladylike princessy type of daughter and missed out badly on that, so my beautiful Katie is my last hope. As my horrible son in law already has both grandkids brainwashed to be Rabbitohs supporters, don't you think he could grant me this one little wish  ???

From the pictures today I guess I have missed out again, oh well, I will just continue to make her pretty little dresses and hope that one day she might change.

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: jack_fc on May 27, 2009, 07:43:55 PM

But, Mrs EffCees mum; I'm sure Katie can be a "ladylike princessy type"  and still be able to drop a gearbox out of an old Holden!
Granted, I'm just a dumb-arse old fisherman, but I just dont understand why having either one of the above attributes necessarily excludes her from having the other...
Having missed out on daughters myself, I can thoroughly understand your fervent wish for a 'little princessy type'...  me? I would have loved to have had a 'little princessy' mechanic!

I'm sure Keith will foster any 'mechanic' in Katie, and I really hope you continue to foster any 'ladylike
princess' in her; both are very important; I hope you BOTH win, but neither of you (Keith and you and
Mrs EffCee) should forget that ultimately, its up to Katie...

cheers and regards to the whole EffCee family

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: mrs EffCees mum on May 27, 2009, 08:59:39 PM
jackfc - if you only knew our beautiful Princess Katie , you would realise that like her mother, as she grows up neither her father nor I will have much say about how she turns out, because at 2 years old she has her own opinions, strong will and a combination of both her parents stubborness!  :o Did I say that?

But in my heart she will always be my little princess, just as her mother still is.

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: jack_fc on May 27, 2009, 09:22:55 PM
, because at 2 years old she has her own opinions, strong will and a combination of both her parents stubborness!  :o

I know I'm just a tad colorblind, but is that a hint of red in Katies (and Jacks) hair?
If so, it thoroughly explains your comment above!
(I have got one "little princess"; she's just a tiny bit older than two, has red hair, and, um, ditto what you said above about Katie, and then some....)  ;D ;D ;D

cheers jack

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: Paul In Ireland on May 28, 2009, 05:55:17 AM
Well, personally speaking Mum, the not so-big-anymore-K is doing the right thing. Too many little rug biters sitting around watching tv or playing on their DS.  :(

Long live healthy outdoor pursuits - even though you go inside to the garage it's still outside of the house.  ;)

Even if they can't do much yet, I am sure they can keep asking very intelligent questions so Keith will easily be able to keep his mind on the job!  ;D


Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: Mrs EffCee on October 04, 2009, 03:00:47 PM
Well we are finally at a stage where there has been some progress and the FC is finally off the (very messy) floor. As someone let the cat out of the bag I thought I better get some photo's up quick smart before the rest of you (yes you know who you are F4+++++) start to hassle me for photo's.  ;D

(http://www.postimage.org/Ts1MKE4S.jpg) ($2)

(http://www.postimage.org/Ts1MMdRA.jpg) ($2)

(http://www.postimage.org/Ts1MO2B9.jpg) ($2)

Now if only he would clean up all the mess around the bloody car I might not worry so much that he's going to break his neck every time he's out there working on the car. And I'm terrified every time he moves my car out that it is never going to see the inside of the garage again. I've tried spray painting a white line down the middle of the garage to clearly state each side but all his hmmm (things  >:() still encroach on my side. What's a girl to do?  :-\

Any way still doing my best to encourage progress even will loosen the purse strings at the end of the month to give an injection of funds into the FC account. That should help considerably (no execuse then)... ohh except the no time one.  ;)

Still not convinced we'll make it to Orange in the FC, lucky I have my XR6 at the ready.  :o

Any words of encouragment to Mr EffCee to help push progress along would be greatly appreciated.  :D :D

cheers to all.

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: NosFEratu on October 04, 2009, 04:57:29 PM
Any words of encouragment to Mr EffCee to help push progress along would be greatly appreciated.  :D :D

Will this help? Mrs Effcee, I recommend you pop the kids in the car and go for a nice long outing each weekend and resist all temptation to add to "the list".

Oops  :-[ just realised you wanted words for Keith :-[  Hang on, it's one in the same,  isn't it?  ;) :D

Slowly, but surely Keith.


Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: Paul In Ireland on October 04, 2009, 08:17:07 PM
Advice? Encouragement?

"Don't let that little Mexican B*stard beat you" - that's all I can say!!

Call it a 2 horse race and both get the "Orange" for finishing!!


Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius on October 04, 2009, 08:48:43 PM
Mexican B*stard

 ??? He's north of the border though

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: Mrs EffCee on October 04, 2009, 09:29:13 PM
??? He's north of the border though

Maybe he's a sun burnt Mexican??  ;D

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: Mrs EffCee on October 04, 2009, 09:33:47 PM
Slowly, but surely Keith.


Any slower we'd be going backwards. WE'RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME!! Ahhhhhh :P

Gee, I reckon I'd almost have time to do a mechanic's apprenticeship and finish the job myself by the time he finishes it.  :o. (only kidding... still love ya honey)!  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: pedro on October 05, 2009, 08:07:04 AM
Good work Keith, nice to see some progress, looks like she's bloody good rust wise.

Maybe he's a sun burnt Mexican??

At least we've got some sun ;), my daughter and her husband just spent the last few days driving to Tassie(moving there ???), she sent us an e-mail yesterday saying she seems to have lost the sun as she hasn't seen it for days :D :D

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: EffCee on November 03, 2009, 08:54:23 PM
Well I have been at it, I haven't been making as much progress as I would like but progressing all the same. I have been taking parts into work of a Sunday morning to clean parts while the workshops are open to minimise the buses that are off the road over the weekend.

It has been great having access to chemical cleaners, bead blasters etc to help along with the cleaning and preparation of parts for reassembly. I have been getting all sorts of parts through the week, throwing them into a box, the greasy ones go into the hot wash to get a good clean while I clean the not so greasy ones, or the ones that I have had in the hot wash the previous weekend, in the bead blaster. Sunday afternoons is now spent painting the afore mentioned parts.

These are last Sundays effort

(http://inlinethumb27.webshots.com/42906/2547247200060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

I was looking to get some more work done on the car today being a public holiday here in the ACT, but was directed to gardening duties. When the state of the garden was pointed out to me, I concurred and reluctantly spent the day in the garden, and given the amount yet to be done a few more days to come...... But not on a Sunday morning!

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: Paul In Ireland on November 03, 2009, 09:46:42 PM
Those parts look suspiciously like lawnmower parts  :o - are you sure you're still working on the right project and SWMBO hasn't bedazzled you and got you doing the wrong thing??  ;)

C'mon - you can make Orange!! Get back into it!!  :)


Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: NosFEratu on November 03, 2009, 10:23:56 PM
Weren't you allowed to hang your stuff up on the clothes line to paint them?  ::) ;D

It's a nice stage getting things painted and ready to reassemble and it's even better when they're reassembled and back in the car! Maybe once Sandra realises a side benefit of you working on the car is more space in the garage you'll be taken off garden duties! ;D

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: jack_fc on November 04, 2009, 09:11:57 AM
Weren't you allowed to hang your stuff up on the clothes line to paint them?  ::) ;D

Kathi I'm sure Sandra would allow Keith to hang bits from the clothes line for painting -

(but obviously she wants him to slash and burn a path to the clothes line first...)  ;) ;) :D

and Keith, some of us are getting a bit concerned about you ACT blokes (you and the 'invisible man') :-\

it almost seems that the closer you live to Orange, the furtherest away you are from getting there!   ;) ;)

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: pedro on November 06, 2009, 08:14:41 AM
Good to see some progress Keith 8), at least you had the sense to put something underneath the bits before you painted them, not like a certain idiot that now has red stripes on his shed floor ::).

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: EffCee on January 30, 2010, 01:37:47 AM
Good to see some progress Keith 8), at least you had the sense to put something underneath the bits before you painted them, not like a certain idiot that now has red stripes on his shed floor ::).


I can relate to that, I once had a rented house and painted a 36 F#@d Chassis on the floor in the garage. Left the imprint of the chassis on the floor, good and proper. Took ages to clean off, had to hire steam cleaning equipment, pressure cleaners etc. What a nightmare....

I have never forgotten that, much easier and cheaper to just have something underneath.


Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: EffCee on January 30, 2010, 01:52:35 AM
Well it has been awhile since I have updated, I don't know if I will get the car to Orange, it is unlikely as there is too much to do, and I still keep finding unexpected things. I don't want to put myself in the position where I have to cut corners to get it there, only to have to redo it when Orange is over.

In cleaning up the diff I thought that I will just pull it apart and check it and see how it goes, hoping that at the worst I would have to put a set of bearings and seals through the diff.

Well that was not to be, the poor old FC that the diff was removed from, had just about everything else in it either broken or worn beyond comprehension. The diff turned out to be no different. Much metal was found in the bottom of the diff casing, broken centrbolts and wear in the housing where the spring pads mount.

It all good fun, but not when you are on a tight schedule. In any case I will be working on it hoping to get the car there, if it doesnt happen, well so be it.

That being said I still have few weeks of leave to take mid February and I am hoping to make a significant improvement.

(http://inlinethumb46.webshots.com/6765/2468558290060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

(http://inlinethumb17.webshots.com/25360/2018710520060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: Paul In Ireland on January 30, 2010, 09:22:32 AM

I can relate to that, I once had a rented house and painted a 36 F#@d Chassis on the floor in the garage. Left the imprint of the chassis on the floor, good and proper. Took ages to clean off, had to hire steam cleaning equipment, pressure cleaners etc. What a nightmare....

I have never forgotten that, much easier and cheaper to just have something underneath.


It would have been easier just to paint the rest of the floor....


Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: EffCee on January 30, 2010, 09:41:01 AM

It would have been easier just to paint the rest of the floor....

In hindsight, yes it would have been, and would have been probably cheaper too.


Title: Re: Orange...Here we come...(Maybe)
Post by: FC427 on January 30, 2010, 11:15:11 AM
Keith you can make it to Orange your not going to let a simple early Holden beat you ??? are you ???? ........FC427.....

Title: Effcee's project
Post by: EffCee on May 18, 2010, 07:58:45 PM
Keith you can make it to Orange your not going to let a simple early Holden beat you ??? are you ???? ........FC427.....

Well Mark, in short I did let a simple early Holden beat me. I didn't get it to Orange

(http://inlinethumb25.webshots.com/43736/2413606030060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

I had cleaned all the paint off the car, and thought that i would save time in getting the edges done so I sent the car to have the edges, such as around the windscreen, in the roof guttering etc cleaned up. I had time off work so off it went with the intention to return the following day. I had to shase the sandblaster who it turned out got  lrger job in, so put my car to one side while he did the larger job, Upshot of it all was that the car sat outside, it rained while it was there so the sandblaster did the whole car, at no extra cost, I didn't wind up getting the car back until 10 days later, so I didn't get anywhere near what I wanted to get done while I had the time off.

(http://inlinethumb22.webshots.com/46677/2777156680060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

It did show up some previous bodgie repairs, which look worse when it was all sandblasted. After it was ground down, the floor was full of holes so I need to replace both the rear floor pans as well as some rust in the 1/4 panels and boot floor which I wasn't aware of.

The bad news is that I don't have my own mig, and have had to try and borrow a mig from friends, however I have nearly scraped the necessaries together and will be purchasing one shortly, YEEHAA

Also, as I didn't make it to Orange in my FC,  My wife was right.  ::) ::) ::) I was wondering if one of the moderators can change the name to "EffCee's project" please

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: NosFEratu on May 18, 2010, 10:52:59 PM
'Bout time we heard something from you Keith!  171 days to registration - but who's counting? Oh, hang on, that would be me!  ;)  :D

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: pedro on May 19, 2010, 07:13:53 AM
Yeah good on you Pedro, dobbed me right in.  Here's me trying to fly under the radar and almost succeeding.... As soon as I saw your post I put a post up, just to avoid the Evil One's wrath.

No worries Keith, that's what mates are for ;D ;D, I notice it wasn't long before you were in trouble, hopefully this will deflect attention away from me ;), about time Smithy did something too isn't it Kathi ???, seriously though it's good to see the old girl back from the sandblasters at least you know what's in front of you and you can start going forward from this point, are you going fully stock or slightly modified?

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: NosFEratu on May 19, 2010, 07:53:21 AM
Trust me, no-one is out of my sights!  :D

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: Paul In Ireland on May 19, 2010, 10:02:32 AM
Ahem...  ;)

As they say Keith - "now, just get on with it!"

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: FC_fer_me on May 20, 2010, 06:58:06 PM
Shhh!hopefully this will deflect attention away from  me too!  ;) ;)although hopefully I'll have a progress report soon, Cheers Jack

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: jack_fc on May 21, 2010, 12:01:56 AM

Wishful thinking, Jack...

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: jasonr70002 on May 21, 2010, 10:32:23 AM
Keep persevering mate it will all come together. I will be posting pics of the many many rust repairs on my FE soon.

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: EffCee on July 16, 2010, 09:59:58 PM
My long awaited welder arrived today, like a kid with a brand new highly prized toy, I carefully cut the packaging, screwed in the lifting point, hooked up the engine crane and carefully lifted the welder clear of the box and packaging, only to find that at some point it had been dropped on the corner and the corner was all bent. :-[

I rang Hare and Forbes Sydney where I bought the welder from, full marks to them, they are sending a replacement welder on Monday. :)

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: NosFEratu on July 16, 2010, 10:13:43 PM
What a bummer! You can't play until next week!  :D   

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: pedro on July 17, 2010, 02:42:23 PM
What a dissapointment Keith, after waiting all this time, as Kathi said hopefully you'll get to play with your new toy next weekend.

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: EffCee on July 17, 2010, 03:32:16 PM
I am really looking forward to next weekend!

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: EffCee on July 21, 2010, 09:17:25 PM
My replacement welder arrived today, Yeehah, got to be happy with the service provided by Hare and Forbes in Sydney, couldn't do enough to help.

(http://inlinethumb13.webshots.com/27724/2317946490060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

Off to pick up the gas bottle tomorrow. I also am picking up a set of triple SU's tomorrow as well.

Was somewhat concerned at the delivery drivers attitude, I have no confidence in the other welder getting back to Hare and Forbes without further damage.

What's on the agenda this weekend....weld the replacement panels into my FC.


Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: hrpremier on July 21, 2010, 09:42:31 PM
Wow.  As far as welders go its a pretty sexy looking welder.  Goodluck this weekend.  Keep the psots and updates coming

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: pedro on July 22, 2010, 06:22:51 AM
Flash looking welder Keith, no wonder you were excited about getting it.

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: NosFEratu on July 22, 2010, 07:58:58 AM
I suppose the colour's OK, but I would have preferred it with a red flash instead of yellow - and where's the whitewalls and fox tail?  ???

No more excuses now buddy!  ;)  :D

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: steamman on July 22, 2010, 09:25:50 PM
WOW you could blow some holes in metal with that one ;)

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: mc54 on July 24, 2010, 10:15:00 AM
I wasn't going to post this but................what the hell.



Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: colt on July 24, 2010, 11:33:39 AM
No excuses now Keith!

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: EffCee on July 24, 2010, 01:12:56 PM
I wasn't going to post this but................what the hell.




ROFLMAO....... How good is that, you have absolutely excelled yourself! ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: NosFEratu on July 24, 2010, 04:08:21 PM
Mike - you've outdone yourself now - I don't know how you're ever going to top it! just about wet myself!  ;D

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: NosFEratu on July 24, 2010, 04:12:02 PM
and yes Colt, no more excuses for Keith now!  ;) ;)

still laughing abut the welder Mike!   love it! you are either one very smart or one very sick man - I'm not sure which sometimes!  ;) :D

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: mc54 on July 24, 2010, 05:58:08 PM

Thank you for the compliments

Kathi, neither overly smart nor sick, just the average amount of both, remember - it was your idea.  ;D

I suppose the colour's OK, but I would have preferred it with a red flash instead of yellow - and where's the whitewalls and fox tail?


Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: jack_fc on July 24, 2010, 06:37:19 PM

now that's a serious welder...  8) 8) 8)

pressure's on, Keith  ::)

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: pedro on July 25, 2010, 02:34:16 PM
Excellent job Mike, you never fail to surprise us and give us a good laugh 8) 8), and Keith you better be out in that shed welding we expect an update this week ;) :D

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: EffCee on February 16, 2011, 01:44:32 PM
An Update

Finally getting back into the FC, and making some progress. Katie, my 4 year old daughter, starts pre school next week so I will have 25 hours a fortnight to myself (Yahoo). I work a permanent night shift ( start at 2:30 pm and get home at about 1:00am.) My wife works part time 9:00am-2:00pm) so I have the parenting duties in the morning. I have really been reluctant to do any welding while Katie is at home, as I hate the thought of her coming to see what I am doing, only to see me welding and standing there watching the pretty blue light. It really has not been an option.

I have been dismantling an FC to obtain more parts and will be able to use the bottom of the rear 1/4 panels, some floor sections and various other bits and pieces to continue on with. With Katie at pre school then I will be able "get into it".

Sandy has even allowed her car to be parked outside while the dismantling of the FC takes place  ::) (Strict conditions apply)

So watch this space for more updates and progress reports to follow!

(http://inlinethumb16.webshots.com/47247/2979183120060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

(http://inlinethumb38.webshots.com/26405/2946750770060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: NosFEratu on February 16, 2011, 02:12:18 PM
God to hear you'll soon be back into it Keith.  :D

However - you've put it out there now and you know full well the consequences if updates are not regularly posted!  :)

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: jack_fc on February 16, 2011, 03:32:25 PM
However - you've put it out there now and you know full well the consequences if updates are not regularly posted!  :)

oh dear, oh my  ::)

Are you a slow learner, Keith?  ;)

Or is it just that you think that Kathi's "encouragement" (read 'threats' ;D) will give you added impetus?  ;D

Great to see that you're seriously into it again; I'll be waiting for the regular updates too...  :)

cheers, jack

ps  you'll be able to work much faster without all that hair on your face slowing you down...  ;D

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: EffCee on February 16, 2011, 05:53:11 PM

ps  you'll be able to work much faster without all that hair on your face slowing you down...  ;D

The hair on my head will go when I get to $500.00 (and I am there so that will go) and the beard will go when I get to $1000

I will post photo's!!!


Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: EffCee on February 16, 2011, 06:39:20 PM
oh dear, oh my  ::)

Are you a slow learner, Keith?  ;)

Or is it just that you think that Kathi's "encouragement" (read 'threats' ;D) will give you added impetus?  ;D

Great to see that you're seriously into it again; I'll be waiting for the regular updates too...  :)

cheers, jack

Thanks for your comments, I need to get into this, and would appreciate the encouragement (threats, smacks around the head etc) if I start to slack off. Please note well in advance there will be no updates between 15th April and 30th April (overseas)


Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: smithy on February 16, 2011, 07:04:37 PM
Hi Keith, got some good serious work in front of you ;)
Remember just sing out if you need a hand with anything, even welding tuition.
Not you me  ;D

Are you heading back over for Anzac duties?


Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: Paul In Ireland on February 25, 2011, 08:08:41 PM
Update? Smack! :o

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: EffCee on February 25, 2011, 10:20:43 PM
Are you heading back over for Anzac duties?


Yes back to Turkey again.


the update is coming

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: NosFEratu on February 26, 2011, 10:22:28 AM

the update is coming

It had better be!  >:(  ;)

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: jack_fc on February 26, 2011, 11:17:23 AM

the update is coming

Yes, and so is Christmas Anzac day...  ;)

(sorry, Keith, but I just had to join the other 'eggers-on'  ;D)

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: FC_fer_me on February 27, 2011, 08:16:22 PM
At least while they are picking on you Keith they are forgetting about me! ;D ;D ;D
Cheers, Jack

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: TTV6FC on March 02, 2011, 10:37:48 PM
and me.... ;)

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: Paul In Ireland on March 03, 2011, 06:55:38 AM
Hark, I hear jingle bells....  ::)

Christmas must be coming..... sooner than the update....  ;)

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: FC427 on March 03, 2011, 08:03:57 AM
What is going on Keith is there a conspiracy to get you to update some one must be behind it  ::) ::) ::) ::) ;D ;D ;D ;D.......FC427....

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: colt on March 03, 2011, 08:05:01 AM
Our club had a garage run the other weekend, ending at Keith's place. BTW Keith, very yummy morning tea, especially the scones, which I believe you were responsible for.

I can report that Keith's car has moved and is mobile. (Of sorts, on a rotisserie).


Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: NosFEratu on March 03, 2011, 08:06:59 AM
I can report that Keith's car has moved and is mobile. (Of sorts, on a rotisserie).

So are the chooks at our local chicken shop!  ::)  ;D

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: EffCee on March 03, 2011, 10:18:17 AM
On Sunday the 20th February the ACT FE -HR Holden Owners Club hosted a garage crawl, in which I was happy to participate. This necessitated a clean up of the garage, which was done so that morning tea could be served in the garage. And thankyou to Colin, who gave me up as the scone maker ;) The scones seemed to be a great hit.

I am still in the process of dismantling the spare car, which I thought wouldn't take me as long as it has. It must be said that a few forum members will also benefit from the breaking up of this car, so if you haven't received the parts that you were expecting yet, you will do so soon.


Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: NosFEratu on March 03, 2011, 02:06:33 PM
Sorry - not good enough!  >:(  ;)

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: jack_fc on March 03, 2011, 02:52:21 PM
Sorry - not good enough!  >:(  ;)

 ::) ::)

dont want to say "I told you so", Keith, but....   ;D

(and I'm not saying any more in case I cop a serve too!)

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: NosFEratu on March 03, 2011, 03:14:35 PM
yeah you just watch it too Jacky boy!  :P  ;D

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: EffCee on March 03, 2011, 03:48:54 PM
Sorry - not good enough!  >:(  ;)

Why? - because you are an ACT Member and didn't front?? Or was it because you missed out on the scones and cream?? Or do you want pichers photers glossy things with images of cars?


Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: EffCee on March 03, 2011, 04:12:23 PM
Well just to ensure that Kathi has some photo's to look at I have attached a few photo's of members cars below. Sorry about the quality of the photo's. these were taken by a neigbour who was excited to see all the old Holdens in the street and sent by phone.

Tim's FC Wagon
(http://inlinethumb31.webshots.com/3934/2279439560060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

Julius's black EH, unsure on the EJ
(http://inlinethumb14.webshots.com/46861/2647457210060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

Jodie and David Potter's EH, again unsure on the HG Prem
(http://inlinethumb13.webshots.com/1996/2110901490060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

Colt's FE sedan, with a really nice FC ute in front, again unsure of the owner.
(http://inlinethumb02.webshots.com/46145/2494486210060682858S600x600Q85.jpg) ($2)

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: NosFEratu on March 03, 2011, 04:20:38 PM
Why? - because you are an ACT Member and didn't front?? Or was it because you missed out on the scones and cream?? Or do you want pichers photers glossy things with images of cars?


OK you got me on the 1st one   :-[

Scones would have been nice too!  :-\  :)

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: jack_fc on March 03, 2011, 04:43:34 PM
OK you got me on the 1st one   :-[

Scones would have been nice too!  :-\  :)

that's obviously where you went wrong, Keith; next time send her over some of your scones...  ;D

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: FC427 on March 03, 2011, 09:57:04 PM
Sorry - not good enough!  >:(  ;)
And where might be your update  "NOT GOOD ENOUGH" :o :o ::) ::)......FC427......

Title: Re: EffCee's project
Post by: DN2168 on March 04, 2011, 09:28:56 PM
Wow Keith,

Would be awesome to sit back enjoying some scones & looking at all the old Holdens.
