Ladies, Gentlemen and any other interested parties,
The clutch dilemma is over.

At approx. 10:30pm last night I was able to reverse the car off the ramps, out of the drive and up the street (with a big smile on the face too).
Thanks everyone for your help. It must be interesting, and in some ways amusing to watch a new bloke learn by trial and error. The advice through this forum was excellent. The posts, PMs, phone calls and extra pair of hands helped heaps.
At the moment, there are two words forbidden in my house.
Flywheel and Spigot.
This won't last long though, I'll get over it.
The source of my problem was the spigot bush. I hadn't hit it into the crank far enough. It was sticking about 3 mm too far out. That meant the difference between the taper of the splines pushing up on the spigot, which spun the Gear Shaft regardless of the clutch being used, and the Gear Shaft being able to slow down/stop when the clutch was depressed. Simple enough and lesson learnt.
I'd recommend to anyone changing the spigot bush, to ensure it is hit far enough into the crank (yes, as per the shop manual :-/). It sucks having to remove the transmission twice for the same job!
Here is a photo of the difference.

I look forward to providing you with some more laughs as I attempt maintenance, repairs or component restorations.