hi guys. below is a picture of the setup that will be running on our new motor, speco tripples and jack myers headers (would prefere speco headers to go with all of the other speco gear but it seems they are bloody hard to find). the tripple carb manifold had far to many imperfections to be polished, so it will be painted engine grey along with the motor. i have a few questions in regards to the manifold.
1. has anybody tried amking up their own linkages? and has their attempt been successful? the carb setup came with a linkage setup, but it was a home made bodgy setup, of wich ran without mounting the the manifold, we want it so it runs in the original linkage followers.
2. on the manifold, the first hole is larger than the rest, the second is slightly smaller than the first, but where the carb mounts is slightly raised, and the third hole is smaller again, yet it is raiser even higher than the second (i hope that makes sense) why is this? will this effect the motors performance?
any help is greatly appreciated