Now that is Cooooooooooooooool.
Is it unnatural to want to touch that? (By touch, I mean fondle


Give me a picture of a Hot Grey over a nudie photo anyday!
Burnsy, Imagine if we bunged the Norman on there, THEN topped that with the Olbis!

Woooooooo Hooooooooooooo!
Gotta love a Grey.
Rob J
Can't tell you if it is unnatural but I had to have a cold shower

I don't think there is room in there for a Norman and the Olbis

I love that all the finishing has pretty much been done old school, cast alloy, copper and steel - no billet crap

Would really like to see some more photo's of some of the detail if anyone has some. The dizzy extension would make changing the points easier. Did all 48-125 distributors have no vacume advance or has it been removed? I wonder if it is electronic? Has a condenser, do electronic units still have a condenser?