That's spectacularly unhelpful, Ed. Rabbitoh did say the car doesn't have any info on the ID plate.
Does it have a 74...... part number instead of the usual FE-225-xxxxx-L code?
Anyway, looking at the car I would suspect that it is Granite Grey over Castle Grey. If that was the case, the codes would read thus (if it had them):
Body: FE-225-xxxxx-L
Trim: 236-709
Paint: 253-7698
Matched interior for this trim is Cobweb Grey & Parchment Ivory, which seems to tally with your other photo. The other colour combination I thought it might be is Anvil Grey over Cabot Grey (202-465), but that comes with a red interior (Fall Red & Parchment Ivory). There's one similar for sale on Ebay at the moment. Item number
2498046107Hope that's some help. I'd be interested to hear a bit more about the car, especially the ID plate. There was another like this in the Vic Club newsletter only a month or so ago.