Hmmm... not looking good.
Group Na (pre-1958) indicates that electronic or transistorised systems are not permitted. A distributor of a different make but similar design is permitted, but must use the points and condenser components within. Group Nb (pre-1965) indicates that the ignition may be of the same type, but not necessarily brand as supplied by the manufacturer for the make
and model concerned. Contact breaker points and condenser may be removed and their standard operations performed by electronic components providing the following conditions are adhered to:
(i) all components, save for the coil, shall be an integral part of the distributor
(ii) a maximum of two wires shall connect the low tension side of the distributor to the coil. These wires shall
be visibly continuous and not contain any supplementary connection to any other component. Permitted
is the fitment of an uninsulated earthing conductor between distributor body and cylinder block
(iii) Ignition advance shall be restricted to mechanical actuation within the distributor.
The original FIA Appendix J rules (1961 are here: indicate that ignition coil, condensor and distributor are free, on condition the ignition system remains as provided by the manufacturer for the considered model. A spare coil and/or a spare condenser may be set up anywhere provided the switching from main to spare cannot be controlled from the inside of the car. The replacement of an automatic control of the ignition by a hand control (or vice versa) is authorised.