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Author Topic: RTA gone (n.s.w.)  (Read 25675 times)
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richard.e.thomas ret56fe
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« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2011, 12:45:23 PM »

The problem, in a nutshell, is this:

  • Issues pertaining to laws for authentic vehicles (concessional rego et.al.) are well served by the Council of Motor Clubs, through their official dialogue with the RTA and government. The CMC have no interest in registrable modified vehicles.
  • Issues pertaining to registration of Hot Rods are well served by the Australian Street Rod Federation, and their official dialogue with the RTA and government. The ASRF have no interest in post-war/non-chassis vehicles.

There is no group championing the cause of Street Machiners, for want of a better term, in NSW. Despite the size of the movement, which is arguably as big as the restorers' scene, and certainly bigger than the Rodding scene, it is just too fragmented and too disorganised. We just get bad press courtesy of being conflated with the street racing scene. (And there is overlap, that can't be denied.)

It's reminiscent of that scene from Life of Brian: People's Front of Judea, Popular Front of Judea, Judean Peoples' Front and so on. Splitter!

If the various tribes that make up the vehicle modification scene could put aside their differences and unite, they could well have a chance of affecting RTA and government policy. But as individuals we have buckley's chance.


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Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius
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« Reply #21 on: December 07, 2011, 02:16:51 PM »

There used to be a National organisation, ASMF (Australian Street Machine Federation), that blew up sometime in the '80s/'90s, internal fighting over money from what I understand. Chic Henry came out the winner taking over the ASMF Nationals and turning it into SummerNats.

There are some remains in various states Qld still has their ASMF division, SA has the Street Machine Assoc of SA, I think Victoria still has an Association. Agueably SA has the strongest Association with 400+ Members and 14ish Affiliated clubs representing a total of 2500+ people.
Being involved with SMASA I can't see the situation changing anytime soon, people would rather flout the law than join a club/association, everyone thinks it's too "political"  Roll Eyes when all you have to do is pay your membership money to count in the figures. It's usually the people that won't join that bleat the most about Nanny States and Draconian Governments  Angry [/RANT]

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JIM-- Gilead NSW

Jim Tuckwell
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« Reply #22 on: December 07, 2011, 07:13:25 PM »

Just finished doing a screen for a curtomer who is in the asrf, he is building a 52 Chev ute with HQ running gear and a 350 chev, he had an engineer out about six weeks ago to check over the ute so it would fall under the old rules. He also said the asrf have been in constant talks with the new powers to be (headed by a woman) and they have been very productive talks. The new rules are set to come into effect from Dec. 19th, but they are still unsure in what direction they will head. Ispoke with him about the concerns voiced on the forum and he said that at htis stage they have no real idea which way the new body (Maritime & Roads) will head so it is all still up in the air. AS for enginneers there is still a long way to go as most of the old registered ones have not resighned so it is still a lot of work to do.
Regards JIm

on the seventh day: God Made Holden
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« Reply #23 on: December 23, 2011, 09:57:05 PM »


« Reply #24 on: December 24, 2011, 01:36:29 PM »


i'm going through this at the moment, i was looking at fitting the WP supercharger to my club sport, and holden/hsv want nothing to do with it, they wont even sell the stuff anymore, one of the reasons i was told was the new ncop laws, no engineer want to sign off on a 620hp street driven car anymore and as the hp increase is close to 50% extra

even if you hot up the standard grey if the cops suspect more then a 14hp increase engineers is required (20% rule)

Ive been over it with my 355ci stroker in a vs, they now pull out a spark spark and measure it with a laser and its a instant yellow sticker (but no fine)

it also states in the new ncop laws that anything undergoing mods,
'If a project is taking a long time to complete, check the currency of the version you are using'.
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richard.e.thomas ret56fe
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« Reply #25 on: December 24, 2011, 11:38:35 PM »

In reference to my earlier reply (#20, above), my attention has been drawn to the very recent formation of the Australian Confederation of Motor Clubs, whose charter appears to be very much what I was talking about. The committee is certainly a who's who, led by Tony O'Donnell from Shannons, and with representatives from ANSMA, ASRF and the CMC.

They are planning an event at Eastern Creek on 26 February that sounds like it might be worth attending. Have a look at the 2nd Newsletter on the site for more information.

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« Reply #26 on: December 28, 2011, 09:27:10 PM »

yep pollies love numbers, if this stuff concerns you get off yor arses and be at eastern creek on the 26/2 i'm 3 hours away and unless something serious comes up i'll be there
every extra head there makes the pollies pay that much more attention
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JIM-- Gilead NSW

Jim Tuckwell
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« Reply #27 on: December 28, 2011, 10:42:11 PM »

Ret, I think this topic should be raised at the Jan. meeting, we should try and get as many as possible to show up and put our two cents worth in. Even if we are only running standard cars with no mods we should support the others that have modified their cars and do all we can to stop this stupidity dead in it's tracks.
Regards Jim

on the seventh day: God Made Holden
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« Reply #28 on: December 28, 2011, 11:26:58 PM »

More info here:

« Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 11:34:32 PM by customFC » Logged

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richard.e.thomas ret56fe
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« Reply #29 on: February 20, 2012, 05:28:07 PM »

I thought I should update this thread, with the ACMC event on this coming weekend.

John Rap and I will be attending the "Conference" part of this event, as delegates from the FE-FC HCC NSW, and will report back at the next club meeting.

All club and forum members are urged to participate in the event, and bring your vehicle along to help show the strength of the movement. Entry is free.

Download the official flyer.


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« Reply #30 on: March 02, 2012, 12:45:40 PM »



2012 Motor Enthusiast Conference


Report From Our ACMC Inc Secretary,

Today’s inaugural Motor Enthusiast Conference was a phenomenal success and we would like to thank all of the conference delegates and car show participants for their enthusiastic contribution.

Over 160 delegates had the opportunity to engage with the Minister and senior members of the RMS whilst outside hundreds of enthusiast cars were on display.

In attendance at the conference were:
Minister for Roads & Ports, Hon Duncan Gay MLC,
Senior Policy Advisor – Mr Andrew Huckel,
Acting Director for Customer and Compliance Services – Mr Peter Wells,
Deputy Director General for Policy and Regulation, Transport NSW –  Mr Tim Reardon,
Principle Manager Roads, Registration and Licencing at Transport for NSW – Mr Terry Hickey
Manager Regulatory Scheme Policy, RMS – Mr Ken Cleary
RMS Vehicle Inspector – Mr Greame Snell,
Street Machine Magazine Editor - Geoff Seddon,
NSW Nationals Party Executive and Conference Chairman – Mr Alan Hay

NSW Nationals Senator John Williams also came alone to show his support for the Motor Enthusiast Community.

The key aspects of Minister Gay’s speech included the following announcements:-

•    Section 55A of the ‘Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 2007’ reinstating the relevance of ancillary documents and alternative options to meet compliance.
•    A respected member of the Motor Enthusiast Community to be appointed  to the Safety Board that reports to the Minister
•    A new working group is to be formed in order to review outstanding issues pertaining to standards, legislation and implementation and reporting to the Safety Board. The Working Group is to have representation from the Motor Enthusiast Community, Signatories, RMS, Transport for NSW and NSW Police.
•    The ‘abridged’ break test is not to be mandatory but at the discretion of the Certifier
•    The ‘abridged’ break test is to be forwarded to the new working group for review; the Minister insists that any resolution must be safe, practical and affordable.
•    It is not intended that electronic stability control be mandatory on vehicles that do not already have an ESC.
•    When a dispute arises over the originality of pre ADR components a panel incorporating the Motor Enthusiast Community will be formed to report their findings to the RMS
•    VSI 50 will be forwarded to the new working group for resolution
•    VSB14 and VSI 59 will be forwarded to the new working group for resolution
•    Following 8+ years of stagnation the ‘National Guidelines for Street-Rod Modification & Construction’ will be forwarded to the new working group for resolution

It has been a historic day for the Motor Enthusiast Community and a new proactive relationship has been entered into with the RMS. There is still much work to be done but we are confident that within this new environment of consultation we can achieve our goals.

In recognition of his unparalleled contribution to the Motor Enthusiast Community; Conference Chairman Alan Hay was appointed Patron of the Australian Confederation of Motor Clubs. Congratulations Alan!

The RMS have provided documented answers to the questions submitted which will be available on the ACMC website on Tuesday.

Once again, thank you all for your continued support.

YouTube Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwk9Y-d6RC4&list=UUtjnYCDQ-g3Vm1UkQhOE1kg&index=1&feature=plcp

More footage updates will be on this YouTube







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« Reply #31 on: March 07, 2012, 07:38:57 PM »

Had some people asking about this, It was an e-mail from my the club secretary I copied and pasted.
  Cheers Glenn

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richard.e.thomas ret56fe
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« Reply #32 on: June 28, 2012, 06:58:54 AM »

This Friday there is a meeting to discuss a 90 day Conditional Rego Scheme for Modified Vehicles in NSW.

It's very encouraging to see progress on this, so kudos to the ACMC and the RMS.


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« Reply #33 on: June 28, 2012, 07:10:31 PM »

Good news..........

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