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Author Topic: Supercharged 202 ?  (Read 9444 times)
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« on: January 21, 2003, 12:56:36 AM »

Hey Guys ( and Gals ), I'm a Newbie to the site and FC's aswell.  
My query, if anyone can help, is I have an FC Special Sedan, currently with a 173 Red and Trimatic...I plan on slotting in a 202, keep the trimatic, and slap on a B & M Supercharger !

Has anyone else doen this ?  What specs does the rest of motor need to be to run a blower ( rated to a 3 litre motor )...such as , carby, cam, ect ect ?

I want it to be quick when I want it to be, but driveable at the same time, so I can drive off to the car shows in Perth !

Any help would be greatly appreciated !


Manjimup's Moto-Madness
Rev Head Heaven in WA's South West
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richard.e.thomas ret56fe
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« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2003, 01:18:38 AM »


Welcome aboard - thanks for registering.

The bible on Supercharging can be found on the main part of our website here: http://www.fefcholden.org.au/techinfo/supercharge

Written by Eldred Norman, obviously this book is geared towards his equipment, but the technical aspects and theory are still good reading.

There are a couple of blokes who are regular participants here who know quite a bit on this topic.

Hope this helps.


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« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2003, 11:26:57 AM »

hi mark,
not sure if this will help but castlemaine rod shop in victoria has supercharger kits for holden sixes which use the Rootes type supercharger from the Toyota six cylinder models (not too sure which model engine) they can be set up to use either a 2 barrel holley or a 2" SU carb. i saw several of these at the summernats and they do look quite neat, all fits under the bonnet with the supercharger mounted on the drivers side and uses a pipe across the top of the motor (similar to a cold air induction pipe) to the 2 barrel manifold. very simple set-up.
depending on compression reccomended 8-9lbs and pulley ratio you select they say you can get from 6-10lb boost. wont launch you into hyperspace but apparently will give you a considerable power increase. kit is around $1800 tops, but price comes down if you have some of the parts required already. . have a look at
http://www.rodshop.com.au      or email.  
hope this is some help to you or anyone else interested

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« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2003, 11:52:35 PM »

Thanks guys.....you have helped quite a lot !

As I said, I'm new, although I've spent the last 3 years building a show condition Mini Cooper, that I sold to a guy in the US.  The Mini chat room was full of W*nkers who basically pull the p*ss out of you or put down what you were trying to achieve.
So let me say that is has ( so far ) been refreshing to meet a nice group of enthusiasts as you guys.  You've been helpful and welcoming.
THank-you !

Manjimup's Moto-Madness
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« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2003, 01:59:48 AM »

The w*nker is most definitely the exception rather than the rule on this site.  The FE/FC seems to attract a better type of person.  I have been to some other club meetings where theres more bitching than anything else.

It helps when you have a nice, friendly, helpful web master (Hi RET) and there are quite a few people with great knowledge about holdens and they dont mind sharing that knowledge.

The attitude is most defiantly one of I will help where I can because someone will help me when I need it.

Amy's & Mac's Jumping Castle
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« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2003, 02:12:16 AM »

Here Here !  

Thanks "Flamed-FE".....is that you FE?  ( Looks Sweet ).

I've had a lot of info on Superchargers to look at thanks to the 2 directions on this thread, but I'm still a little unaware about blowing a 202 six pot, and more importantly, what else is needed, like cams, carbs, ect to suit the package.
I may need to speak to an engine building shop, but the one that I have have a reply from ( FORMAZ - WA ), were about as helpful as &%$#@$#@ !!!!!!

Thanks again


Manjimup's Moto-Madness
Rev Head Heaven in WA's South West
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« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2003, 02:25:59 AM »

G'Day Blown FC
Here is a new site which may be of help as well.


Good Luck
John M


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« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2003, 02:34:53 AM »

Thanks 'FCMAYBERRY' , just the site I'm trying to find....I'll check it out a bit more today.

Thank again !


Manjimup's Moto-Madness
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« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2003, 12:37:24 PM »

Hi Mark
A standard red motor with a decompression plate will handle a blower or turbo with no problems. If boost pressure goes too high, you'll start blowing head and manifold gaskets. You may need to fit a bigger radiator as they tend to get a bit hot. A HR one  works pretty well.
A stock cam works well too. It's still nice to drive and produces bags full of torque in the original rev range.
For carbies, depending on the blower, either go for a 2" SU or WW2 Stromberg or if your fitting a B&M blower go for a 4bbl Rochester.
Good luck with the project and let us know how you get on.

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« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2003, 12:01:20 AM »

Thanks Tony.....you seem to know what you are talking about, ( Have you done one yourself ? )

Sorry If I sound green...but what is a De-compression plate ?

I'll have to do some more homework on the carbies, as I had planned on a Holley 350 2 Barrell.
If I did decided to stay with a Holley, what would you recomend.   I've played with SU's on my old Cooper, Good Carby, but hard to find a good one that doensn't go out of tune now and again, whereas I can still buy NEW holleys ect.


Manjimup's Moto-Madness
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« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2003, 05:09:53 AM »

Hi Mark
I've turbo'd a few red motors and currently supercharging a greymotor.
A decompression plate is just a steel plate, normally about 1/8" thick, that's cut to the same shape as a head gasket. It fits between the head and block with a head gasket either side to drastically lower the compression ratio. If you fit one to a 202 you have to have the rocker arm pivots machined down to compensate for the added decomp plate.  On early heads, 186 etc this isn't a problem as the rockers are adjustable.
I'd personally stay away from the Holley, they can be a real pain to get setup. If you want a 2bbl then go for a WW stromberg. I'm using a 2" SU off a Jag on the latest project. If you need new SU's or parts you can get them here http://www.sumidel.com/.
Hope this helps

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« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2003, 05:23:22 AM »

Thanks again Tony...I have emailed MIDEL for info on SU's.......I'll have to wait till I pick up my motor to inspect it further, as I know for sure it has ROLLER ROCKERS, but whether or not they are the adjustable type, I'm not sure.
Would you recommend I still go back to a standard or maybe a MILD CAM ?    I'm not sure what's in it now, but it's definately not standard or mild...

Thanks again for your help, and any other info you can tell me, I'm all ears......I love to learn about things, so the more you can tell me about supercharging a 202, the better, regardless what it's about...carb...cams...cranks...rods...anything !


Manjimup's Moto-Madness
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« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2003, 05:57:30 AM »

No probs Mark.
Cam choice is up to you, how fast do you want to go?  My old  186 with a stock cam and a boost of  about 7 psi  use to out accelerate my mates 351 GT Falcon. At 14 psi boost it was dangerous, an accident waiting to happen. Good thing about the stock cam  is that it  will still be nice to drive and putt around in.
If you get a mild cam make sure it's ground to suit a blower. If you have too much valve overlap, you end up loosing boost pressure past the exhaust valve and out the exhaust and you'll loose performance.
When you get a chance , have a good read of the Supercharge article that Ret mentioned.  You'll find it really interesting .

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« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2003, 06:05:18 AM »

Interesting.......I basically want a street friendly car that the wife will drive and not complain all the time that it drives like a pig, yet at the same time, if I give it a boot full, I expect it to get up and move !
I'm not a racer, but it doesn't hurt to have a bit of power under the bonnet to match the looks.

Sounds like I may have to grab this engine that I have lined up, and de-hot it a bit, maybe a stock Cam, de-comp plate as you advised, and an SU......

You certainly have made me feel a bit more confident than when I started out, especially given that you are doing basically the same thing.

I did read the article from RET.....Bl**dy interesting and convinced me that supercharging was the way to go !


Manjimup's Moto-Madness
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richard.e.thomas ret56fe
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« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2003, 06:35:14 AM »

I'm not a racer, but it doesn't hurt to have a bit of power under the bonnet to match the looks.

Sounds like the first paragraph of the book, doesn't it Tony?

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« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2003, 05:49:53 AM »

Yeah - that's my old girl.  Its a five footer - any closer and you see the imperfections all too well!!

My super / turbo knowledge is limited to the need for a head spacer (de-compression plate) that Tony was talking about.  Cams etc are beyond my knowledge.  I know what they do but not whats the best set up etc.

They only thing I would say is if you are going a 202, I would consider a blue with fuel injection.  Opens up a whole new can of worms re a computer, but gets rid of the carby problem.  I have a artical out of an old street machine that talks about adding fuel injection to a blue 202 and using a non standard computer that controls only the injectors (and was capable of being tweeked on the fly).
Send me an IM if you (or anyone else) wants a copy and I will send it to you/them.

Amy's & Mac's Jumping Castle
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« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2003, 08:02:03 AM »

Five footer, geez mine would be more like a thirty footer Roll Eyes, just don't look too close. Grin
John M


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« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2003, 08:17:48 AM »

Well my plan is for it to be a bit closer than a 30 footer or even a five footer....the plan is to be in your face spot on.....I just need to sell a few body parts to pay for it, and I'm not talking car body !

Anyone interested in old Mini Coopers may want to check out my first attempt at car restoration at http://www.minicooper.1hwy.com ( photos are old and not very up tp date, but you get the gist ).


Manjimup's Moto-Madness
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« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2003, 12:20:55 PM »

gday mark, i have a supercharger which i picked up in a deal. it is a 371 and came with a manifold and 465 holley, a couple of pulleys and a couple of belts. it is missing the drive snout but over the next 12 months i would like to get it together so i can drive around at next years motorvation with no bonnet and a supercharger hanging off of the side of a 6
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