I will possibly be sending off samples to the USA early next week and just wanted to do a final colour popularity check.
Here is a scan of the pristine samples that I have, my cars only have the off-white and the blue and I have never seen the darker colour (grey/brown) used before.
I have also been told there may be a green that was used a fair bit too.
Other research says that there is 11 colours all up with 7 of these being used fairly extensively, depending on final price I will probably only be getting 3-4 colours made at this stage.
So that a good comparison can be made I have scanned the samples against a Vegemite Jar (everyone should have one of those
If there are any colours that I have missed please let me know, even better if you can send me samples to keep or borrow.
The people that have responded in the past, I thank you and encourage you to provide input to the poll again.
This is a serious investment of time and possibly money for me, so if the feedback from this poll is poor I will write off the project as a bad idea. ideally I'd like to see at least 50 responses to the poll to make the data worthwhile.