The reason for this post to day though is to promote an event I am event I am involved with,, on Saturday the 26th of September we are having our annual RFS Station Open day, but we thought we’d step it up a notch and we are now holding the Real Fine Stuff Automotive Day.
This thing is open to any thing with an engine or wheels whilst the event is being supported by 2 hot rod clubs the day is open to all forms Automotive.
There’s no actual judged classes but there will be a few awards based on the entrants the fireys think are most out standing.
The plan is for a casual event, with plenty to keep the whole family occupied, there will be Fire fighting demos, the kids (big & small) can climb all over the trucks play with charged hoses, what ever all the guys and girls will be only to happy to show you over every thing, this is the perfect time to ask any questions you have about prepare your home for the upcoming fire season, on top of this we hope to bring back the Londonderry community markets these have every thing from brick-a-brac to Nanas home made cakes and biscuits throw in some cool cars and it ticks every box for pretty much every body.
The event will be held on Saturday 26th of September 2009 at Londonderry oval (enter off Trahlee Road via Londonderry Road) start time is 9am
For more information on the day go to At Londonderry we are a Village category station this means we not only do bush grass and scrub fire but we also respond to homes and other structures as well as Motor vehicle accidents and any thing else your normal full time or retained fire brigade would turn out too.
This will be the focus of our demonstrations, what to do if you have a kitchen fire, how to choose an extinguisher, demonstrations on using the extinguisher. We are also planning a joint demonstration with another organisation with a simulated motor vehicle accident, (this is planed to go worst case scenario )
So we figure as we have a car there to do with as we see fit, why not blow the engine up, it’s a little different to guessing how many jelly beans in a jar as we don’t know before we turn the key how long it will last.
On top of this we are planning a little audience participation, so how strong are you guys?
How about we face off 2 Fire tankers + 2 lengths of rope 2 teams, who can tug the tanker over the distance faster?
? Come on guys show us what ya got!!!!
You would think all that would fill the day up wouldn’t you? Well we haven’t stopped there, we also have DylanDrew performing on the truck stage and are working on securing other acts.
For any one that may be interested our brigade has serviced not only the community of Londonderry but also other regions around NSW and even interstate over the last 50+ years. Last year Londonderry RFS was one of the busiest volunteer brigades in the state attending well over 200 incident calls. As well as responding to fire / emergency calls we as a brigade have spent thousands of hours both educating and actively preventing fire with in the community.
The reason we are holding this day as part of the State wide RFS open day scheme is to raise much needed funds to extend our existing fire station with a third engine bay, this is to house the third vehicle our brigade has that is currently housed at our Captains residence, as you can imagine this is not the ideal situation so we are working hard to raise the necessary funds to carryout this extension.