Of late, the generator light comes on sometimes when I drive the ute - sometimes the regulator gets a bit hot and I thought I may be developing prolems. I hadn't realised until this week the many different brightnesses that the little red light can achieve or the flashing patterns that it is capable of. I was driving the ute to work all week and it would be 80km round trip daily. Mechanically no problems as the ute is pretty sharp.
Anyway, tonight was most interesting as I started to hear a loud noise from the engine bay. I stoppped and had a look. There is a sound that could be best described as an old fashioned fire alrm bell going off but you put your hand on the bell to stop the ringing noise but you still here the hammer going hell for leather. The sound is either coming from the alternator or fan or somewhere in the front of the engine.
Can anybody hazard a guess as to what I am facing or what I can look for?