I rang around this morning to get some quotes. I spoke to terry but decided to go with another guy due to price, I might use terry for my other FC wagon wich will be a grey with triples as it is hard to find shops with grey motor performance knowledge now.
The place I am going through was recomended by a user on the
http://www.dragster.com.au forum who had his motor built by this shop.
The guy at the shop claims to have built 3 of the red 6's for the currently running red 6 powered rail cars, the guy that recomended him had a red 6 built by him with a GM 6/71 blower and it is running in the high 8's wich is pretty quick for a 6 even if it is in a rail car.
only problem is he is further away being at cambletown.
After speaking to Terry I am now wondering if I should go with the blue crank or use a red 202 or 179 crank.
The 3.3 blue crank is smoother with its counter weights and will probably give a longer life but its heavier weight will slow its revs and cost a few hundred bucks to machine.
The red 202 crank will not be as smooth but with less weight it will rev quicker and still will cost a few hundred bucks too machine.
The red 179 crank will rev quicker than the counter weight crank and give higher rpm but lose power with the smaller capacity, also I am going to be limited with rpm as the blower should only rev to 10000 rpm meaning if it is running at only 2:1 the blower will have reached its max safe rpm at 5000 rpm engine speed, therfore I wont be able to benefit from the higher rpm but it would save a few hundred bucks in machining that could be spent somewere else.
I am kind of leaning towards a red 202 crank wich will mean my motor isn't really anything over a red 202 except for the hp marking on the side.
Man its expensive now to do these motors up.