OK Im your cynical master so take note.
Never never ever buy a car sight unseen ever ,You "will" get shafted.
They say a photo tell a thousand lies well believe it and if you dont you are about to lose a lot of dough and gain a valuable lesson .
Take a look at this link
ftp://http://www.fefcholden.org.au/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=album;action=display;num=1029517108Scroll down to Project cool dads car and give it some time to load.
In particular check out the two tone blue sedan, It looks realy good to start off.
Do yourself a favour and have a look at the fc in person, Feel the back of the sills where they meet the floor if there is any rust or bodgie work under there you will be in for a BIG bill for youre troubles.
If you can see any ripples in the paintwork it is more than likely to be BOG and god only knows what that will be hiding.
A quick look at this car and my first thoughts would be a younger person owns it ie (its on EBay, Pedals are of Hoon heritage and that rippley drivers door dont look promising - The fact that there are no bids and the starting price seems a little high are also poor attributes.
So all in all my own humble opinion would be "Dont be foolish grasshopper": and good luck