Very funny Trev.....
Hey, I'm off to check out some FC stuff hiden away at a farm tonight !
He has a couple of FC's, an old Chev and anumber of other cars, that are all headed to the crusher if no-one takes them...problem is, I checked these cars out a few weeks back, and are only worth taking if you can find one that will hold together as you get a set of forks under them.
They are pretty old, rusted and parts pilferred, but there is the odd compliance platem door, trim, handle, and odd bits to be had.
The old guy put a fire through them a few years back, so what didn't burn, had it's paint burnt off, exposing it to the rain and rust heaven.
However, he has a pile of bits stashed up in the roof of the house that no-one knows about, and is keen to get rid of them as the house / farm is being sold and there is no need to keep them.
From what I;ve been told, mostly chrome parts and trims ect, but he mentioned something about triple webbers to suit a GREY MOTOR

? so there may be something chunky to grab afterall.
I'm going out at 5:00pm tonight ( 10/6/04 ) to have a look whats there....I'll let you know tomorrow !