So, it was off for some shopping to get some gloves and hand cleaner. I went with Will's suggestion and got the KBs gloves - I can see why you recommend them, they're tough enough but still thin enough, and I was wearing them for hours with no problems.
It was time to tackle the intake and exhaust manifolds to make some room and do a bit of cleaning. I took stacks of photos so I can put this all back together later on. Most I won't bore you with.
This all went pretty smoothly. I had already taken the top hose off the radiator, as well as the thermostat housing. They were dry so I figured the radiator was pretty much empty. Here's a tip for the less experienced - drain the radiator first to make sure. I took the hose off which goes from the water pump to the intake manifold and green liquid sprayed out everywhere. Some quick bucket placement and we're good to go.
Choke cable off, carb accelerator linkage off, and I broke something.
Any idea what that clip thing is called? Gotta get a replacement.
Anyway, with everything disconnected, it was time to undo the bolts holding the intake and exhaust manifolds on. This is when I discovered something missing from my toolbox - a 9/16 spanner. The shifter did the job for some, but the others I need to get a ring spanner on, cos there's not enough room to get a shifter in there. I'd already been to Bunnings and Repco today, so the spanner will have to wait till next payday.
I figure it's time to get under the car and drain the oil. Lying down, I'm faced with this -
Not sure if you can tell, but there is oil EVERYWHERE. I'm not squeezing under there with it like that, so time to have a bit of a clean. There is a thick oily muddy gloop on just about everything. I made a few scrapes to try and show it:
After a bit of archeological work with the screwdriver, I discovered what looked like a recently painted HR disc brake front end.
I took the opportunity to check some of the bolts as well, after seeing how loose the rocker cover ones were.
If you squint, you might be able to see that that the sump bolt just below the sway bar is about half an inch out! All the bolts I checked were loose. The grease nipple on the lower suspension arm was loose too.
Lots more scraping and cleaning, and there was a pile of goop under the car. Taking a break, I had a peer around at some other bits. Uh oh:
The front crossmember/chassis rail (not sure what it's called) had two small rust holes in it. After a poke around in there they looked like the above photo. It was full of dust, dirt, bits of rust, leaves. Should I replace the whole thing or can I cut it out, hit it with some killrust and weld some patches over it?
Depressed at my find, I cleaned up and finished up for now.
I decided I'm going to use my original post as a reminder for my future self on things to remember, as well as a shopping list and log of purchases.
Thanks for reading! Next session: get a 9/16 spanner, take off the intake and exhaust manifolds, more cleaning.
Edit: Looks like I only have a certain time in which I can edit a post?
Fit the rocker cover gasket and bolts!
Fit the thermostat housing gasket before replacing the cover.
Shopping list:
Gasket set $82 delivered
Hand cleaner $8
Gloves $30
9/16 spanner
Some drop sheets to make cleaning easier
Engine oil
Rear main seal repair additive