The image needs to get from your computer (back) to the internet so that the rest of us can see it. You've got 3 options:
1. Supply the address (or URL) of where on the internet you found the picture in the first place. The simplest way to do this is to right-cick on the image on the page where you found it, and choose "Open Image in New Window". When the new window appears with the picture in it, copy the location from the Address bar at the top (it will start http....) and paste that into your message between the [ img ] tags that appear when you click the little picture icon (replacing the letters URL between the tags).
2. If the image is on your hard-drive, you can attach it to a message here as long as (a) you're logged in as a member, and (b) the image is in JPEG format (the name ends in .jpg) and (c) it is less than 64K in size. When posting a reply (or if you want to edit your existing message), click on the "Browse..." button below where you type your message in, and you'll be prompted to pick the image. Its location will appear in the "Attach:" text box below your message. This method doesn't require the [ img ] tags, but is limited to one attachment per post.
3. Publish your images to
StarPhoto. That's too long and involved to go into here, so
follow the link and go through the help there on setting up your own photo album(s). If you do this, follow the first set of instructions (above) to obtain the URL of a picture in your album for inclusion here.
Lastly, if you're linking to images on the internet (ie #1 or #3)
always Preview your post. That way you can see whether your link has worked correctly or not.