some of you may have seen me advertising for a diff centre.....
i am running a celica 5 speed in my fc, with an HR diff.
recently, the car started making a kind of squeaking rotational noise in reverse, but only when the clutch was engaged. this led me to think it was perhaps the output bearing of the gearbox, or the clutch itself. then whilst driving, a horrific metal grinding/ squealing sound starting coming from (i thought) the gearbox. again only when the clutch was engaged, and was much worse under acceleration.
after removing the inspection plate on the floor and driving backwards and forwards, the sound seemed to indeed be coming from the box - so i pulled it out, had it rebuilt, and installed a new clutch and pressure plate. the flywheel wasn't scored or damaged.
anyway, i guess it is obvious by now that this wasn't the problem. after re-installing the box, i drove down the street only to have the same noise reoccur #*$)*)#(*%)*@)%*)@!!!!!!

i don't think i can be wheel bearings, because the sound stops in neutral, and even in gear with the clutch depressed. the sound also happens on deceleration whilst in gear.
so i am assuming that it is the diff that is the problem, but i would rather not pull it out unless i am pretty sure. there is a fair bit of play (lash?) when you twist the driveshaft before it engages the diff gears. maybe about 5-10 degrees rotation. is that normal? it seems a little excessive to me. i read up some info on the diff, about the gears moving out of alignment when bearings become worn etc.... i thought that it might be because whilst under load (acceleration, or deceleration) worn bearings may allow things to flex out of position. it doesn't seem so pronounced whilst coasting with no load...
does anyone have an opinion about what could be going on? any help would be appreciated