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1  For Sale and Wanted / Cars Wanted / Re: Wanted: '56 FE Holden on: January 25, 2016, 11:08:50 AM
Thanks RET. This looks great and exactly like all the photos I've seen.
Graham, if you would be willing and available in a few months time to take him for a ride, I would be so grateful! He'd love to talk to you all about the car!
Please shoot me an email at freckleface65@hotmail.com, your availability (happy to make it later in the year around May or June) and how much you would charge.
We can start to figure this out. Thank you!

2  For Sale and Wanted / Cars Wanted / Re: Wanted: '56 FE Holden on: January 24, 2016, 09:09:03 AM
Hi Graham,
It was 2 tone blue. I'm not overly familiar with the models. Is there a significant different between the 56 and 58 models?
3  For Sale and Wanted / Cars Wanted / Re: Wanted: '56 FE Holden on: January 24, 2016, 12:58:07 AM
Perfect. In Melbourne but happy to fly the old man up for the ride.
4  For Sale and Wanted / Cars Wanted / Wanted: '56 FE Holden on: January 23, 2016, 12:07:56 PM
My Dad's first car was a '56 FE Holden Blue Sedan.
For his 60th Birthday, I would love to arrange for him to go for a ride in one.
Does anyone own such a car that would be willing to take him for a ride for an hour? Name your price, anywhere in Australia!
Please respond or inbox me freckleface65@hotmail.com.


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