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1  Technical Board / Restoration Help / Re: FC Ute rear floor area surprises on: April 23, 2015, 04:08:47 PM
Hi there,

Yes will post some pics soon.  If you have any segments of a tank please let me know. I need RHF floor pan and both rear and will need to to do some fabricating around tank insert.  Otherwise all good and of course get a tank.... I think a day at an ol skool  wreckers with a tape measure might be next idea.
2  Technical Board / Restoration Help / Re: FC Ute rear floor area surprises on: March 24, 2015, 08:54:29 PM
 So EK FB vans and wagons are the same too?

3  Technical Board / Restoration Help / FC Ute rear floor area surprises on: March 24, 2015, 08:03:33 PM
Hi Guys,

Have got a second owner FC ute been in a shed since 1986 and have just started to pull things apart to get it rolling again.  I was going to leave it in patina and perhaps fit a 350 and restore the cab interior to stock and leave the rest (power booster dics up front) basically to look pretty worn out stock). I know I about leaving stuff original but after having just done a poor man rebuild on a 202 at home and that cost me $2k and a shop want $4kish for a grey motor full rebuild... you can get a good 350 for 2-3 K. ANyway what was going to be a quick turnaround looks more serious, I pulled out the Masonite floor to find the petrol tank is rusted out and much of the surrounding floor it attaches to is not good either.  So question is here does the ute differ in floor pan sections to a sedan.  I will replace rear floor pans and the driver front pan but the pics on the RS site dont help me see what is what.  So any pics of what any blokes have done here would be good.  I have been told that FC FE EK FB van and wagons used the same tank floor set up and are usually OK as not water seeps in there.  But how do you get on of those as it appears nobody makes them and most wrecks are just that ..wrecks that cost 2K. BTW the car has no sill, door,  quarter or fender rust at all. Best way forward???
Spiny Norman
PS cant seem to insert any images into this message....
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