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Technical Board / Restoration Help / 1955 Ford International
on: January 18, 2005, 04:14:36 AM
I have been interested in resoring cars/trucks for awhile, and since my Dad has a 1955 Ford International, which could use some restoring(he is an aircraft mechanic, so when he has free time he doesnt like to spend it fixing things:)). My basic question is, where/how do I start. Do I start with the body, engine, windows, and how do i tell if a part needs restoring? I can tell with the body, it has some rust, so that needs restoring, I am more concerned with the engine parts since I am not the most knowledgable and I only know a part needs restored/replaced if it isnt working, and i only know that by experiencing it. Also, any ideas where I can find parts for it?
Technical Board / Modification Help / Learning?
on: January 18, 2005, 04:04:52 AM
I am a 16 year old guy, and have a basic knowledge of cars/trucks, but since i am going to have to pay for my car/truck, and i dont have a ton of money,(plus i live in minnesota) i am thinking of buying a truck, for the 4 wheel drive, and i like them. My main question is, where can i learn how to modify my truck(i will likely need to fix it up, maybe add some power etc..), and where/how can i get cheap parts?