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Technical Board / Restoration Help / tailgate
on: January 11, 2022, 06:08:43 PM
Hi all, I would like to know is there a difference between the length of a FE station sedan lower tailgate limit straps/irons and a FE panel van tailgate limit straps/irons?
Thanks Darren
Technical Board / Restoration Help / Subframe bolts
on: April 21, 2021, 05:39:52 PM
Hi all, My question is for the lower subframe bolt for the sill, does the shoulder stop on the inside of the sill leaving the thread out for subframe mounting or does the shoulder go through into the subframe leg? any diagrams or info would be great thanks.
For Sale and Wanted / Parts Wanted / screws
on: January 12, 2021, 08:12:43 PM
Hi All, I'm chasing the interior revision mirror screws, and the van spare wheel door screws and bracket.
thanks Darren
For Sale and Wanted / Parts Wanted / Re: Floor cuts needed
on: July 26, 2020, 12:52:11 PM
Thanks for the reply Rob, we have used a Rare's front pan, we need that section in the pic to finish off the floor/toe board correctly, the Rare's pan ribs didn't line up and rib profile is to shallow! when aligning the floor pressings the kick up at the front was short of where it needs to be? maybe it's my van? maybe I got a Monday morning one anyway need to keep moving forward we all know these old cars are hit and miss with replacement panels, I thought I'd ask and try my luck you never know. Thanks Darren
For Sale and Wanted / Parts Wanted / Floor cuts needed
on: July 25, 2020, 04:00:40 PM
Hi All, Anyone have any floor cuts? I need this front piece (see pic) and rear floor cuts for in front of the rear seat base I'm Sydney based. Thanks Darren
Technical Board / Restoration Help / Headlights
on: June 29, 2020, 07:26:49 PM
Hi All, I have my headlights for my FE van and they are the bosch ones, has anyone replaced just the glass? I have one good one and two others one with a hole in the glass good reflector and one with a good glass and a shit reflector I would like to use them if I can but I believe they are hard to come by? If my memory is correct the FE has the parker light in the headlight? any further info regarding these lights would be great.
Thanks Darren
Technical Board / Restoration Help / Re: FE bumper
on: June 19, 2020, 11:25:19 AM
Hi Stewy, Yes I intend similar colours as the pic I'm thinking an EH colour marlin turquoise roof and fowlers ivory body what colour is Robin's FE wagon?
Technical Board / Restoration Help / Re: FE bumper
on: June 18, 2020, 01:29:03 PM
Hi Stewy, Yes I intend to use it as I'm making my van a 2 door wagon, I have all the wagon trims except the roof gutter moulds, I have seen stick on chrome moulding used and it looks fine that'll have to do if I come across another tailgate mould I'll let you know thanks for the pics.
Technical Board / Restoration Help / Re: FE bumper
on: June 13, 2020, 10:16:27 AM
Also Ken I have an original complete FE wagon tailgate, it has all of its rubbers just wondering does the rubber stop 1/4 of the way down the side? it doesn't look damaged? I want to use this one on the van also I noticed on the upper tailgates the strip for the rubber the FE wagon has screws and the van has spot welds was this just an update during the years? Thanks Darren