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For Sale and Wanted / Cars For Sale / fc holden sedan for sale
on: March 14, 2016, 06:51:44 AM
G-day everyone i am selling a fc holden sedan it's been sand blasted and primed the shell has been tubbed but not finished I have a front K frame in excellent condition and heaps off parts selling everything.The shell has a custom fuel tank installed but not finished.Selling due to make room for different project.Asking $3500 for the lot. I will also sell parts separately. Location is in Reservoir Melbourne Phone#0409147641==Cheers Pino
For Sale and Wanted / Other Stuff For Sale / Olympic A/Ride
on: January 10, 2013, 07:34:12 AM
Just scored another old c/van fitted with original air rides,2.40-13.There's 3,they are on rims and hold air,they all have tread$10ea or buy 2 get 1 free,pikup in DeerPark,Melb.0402713418.
General / General Board / Re: V6 Conversions
on: December 21, 2012, 11:19:49 PM
Ed,i rang the the RodShop quite often in the old days,RH was always on the other end pronto!He was a big help then and just loved talking cars,i think as we get older we all get a bit grumpy,lol, Gaz!
General / General Board / Re: V6 Conversions
on: December 20, 2012, 07:54:52 PM
Waddingtons know own the CRSHOP,if the customer service is half as good as when RodHadfield ran it,you won't need that clown at V6conversions!
Technical Board / Modification Help / Re: steering column / gears
on: December 01, 2012, 04:37:37 PM
First you say you had a columb modified by RodRacks,then you ask if anyone knows where they are,so i'm as confused as you are,i can't understand why you just didn't fit a auto columb from,ek,ej,eh in the first place