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General / General Board / Alan Hale
on: December 12, 2014, 02:41:50 PM
Not sure if this is the right spot to post, but Alan Hale owner of The black FC V8 which has been a top car for many years has passed away. Funeral Notice was in Wednesdays Heral Sun, funeral is on Monday. A tragic loss of a true gentleman RIP
For Sale and Wanted / Other Stuff Wanted / Re: Syncro Ring
on: March 27, 2011, 11:40:24 PM
Gee Bill You missed out by a week , I just sold a re-cond complete box that I had sitting around doing nothing for $30.00, I would have given it to you if I had known. Cheers Neil
Galleries / Members' FEs and FCs / Re: Newest family member
on: February 11, 2011, 10:04:25 PM
G'day Bill Yep I'm still above ground, the motor in the Judy's FC is a good one but a Repco headed grey motor is something super special, if I had one I would have done the same, it should have some real go in it. I remember and FJ getting around here when I was akid and it had a Repco head on it, there wasn't too mutch that could catch it and it sounded really nice.I opted out of the roadster hot rod project as it wasn't going to be practical, I have bought a 47 Ford Pilot fitted a 302 winsor, and C-10 and dana rear end. HR front is going in soon with discs all round, finish the brakes, suspension and steering then start on the body. Should be going this time next year, in the meantime I still have the AMC to cruise in. If you pass this way on your way to the WA nationals you'll have to call by and show me the car. Cheers Neil
General / General Board / Re: Back to Mount Gambier
on: September 16, 2008, 11:12:58 PM
Will be good to see you here Bill, we have a lot of good cars entered already, unfortunately the ex Rex Webster car has developed some mechanical issues and can't make it, but there is a nice replica GT and a stunning HK Monaro coming now. Brian Willis with his beautiful HG Monaro is also hoping to come if he can get time off of work. Cheers Neil
General / FE-FC Holden Nationals / Re: NATIONALS WRAPUP
on: April 02, 2008, 03:00:35 PM
It was nice to see all of the FE's and FC's down here in the Mount, there were certainly some very nice cars, my own personal favourite (other than my old one lol) was Ed's wagon, photo's don't do it justice, it is a really beautiful car and a credit to you Ed. I was also impressed by the huge number of kilometres that Surferboy has covered in his wagon, towing a van, that must be one very reliable car.
General / FE-FC Holden Nationals / Re: Home again
on: April 02, 2008, 02:57:02 PM
It was good to catch up with you and Judi when you were here Bill, the old FC is looking better than ever and was one of the best looking ones there (ok I'm biased). The FE-FC Nationals looked like it went great and there was certainly plenty of interest from the general public in looking at the diverse range of cars. Did I have any pangs of regret in selling the old girl, you bet I did, but it was good to see that it is being well cared for and used more often than I did. Cheers Neil
Technical Board / General Technical / Re: mOUNTING OF SEAT BELTS
on: March 10, 2008, 03:28:12 PM
When I fitted lap sash belts to the front of the first Fc I had, I did the b-pllar mounting the same way as sStinky did except that I coated the back of the mounting plate with srtructural body glue (the same stuff that late model car roofs and panels are glued on with), then tightened the seat belt mount bolt and allowed the glue to dry, it gives you a firm fitting and no need for rivits. I also glued a section of painted metal back on over the slot above the rear hinge so it looke all finished and didn't burn any paint as no welding was needed. The glue is strength rated equivalent to a structural weld. Cheers Jockster
General / FE-FC Holden Nationals / Re: Partner activities
on: October 11, 2007, 06:33:16 PM
Another Event that is on in this area over the Easter Weekend is the Australian Panel Van Nationals which are being held at Port MacDonnell just 25 Km south of Mount Gambier. Cheers Jockster
For Sale and Wanted / Cars For Sale / Re: Modified FC Special for sale
on: January 29, 2007, 02:55:49 AM
The FC is back on the market, I would love to keep it but simply do not have enough space anymore. It is legally registered in SA, other states would have to get it complied with their regulations. The sale price is now $8000 firm and it is still as described in previous posts. It has SA Rego until April 07 Cheers Jockster
Technical Board / General Technical / Re: help needed 308 running rough
on: January 02, 2007, 12:50:49 AM
Hi FC Guy Is the manifold you have the correct one for your model engine and if it is did you check to make sure it isn't warped along the manifold faces. HX-HZ manifolds had a bad habit of warping allowing manifold vacuum to draw in oil from the lifter recess with consequent smoke and idle/misfire problems. Cheers Jockster
For Sale and Wanted / Cars For Sale / Re: Modified FC Special for sale
on: October 27, 2006, 10:06:33 AM
Hi John The battle scars are not too bad, they were on the car when the pictures were taken about a year ago, many people don't notice them until I point them out, but to me they are more noticible. Two are minor dents caused by unthinking other drivers, the others are small paint blemishes caused by normal wear and tear (it is nearly ten years since the car was painted) and a couple by me having too wide a set of wheels on the car at one stage. Cheers Jock
For Sale and Wanted / Cars For Sale / Re: Modified FC Special for sale
on: October 27, 2006, 07:06:20 AM
Hi Gaz I still have the car, not activelly trying to sell it as I have started to use it a bit more and wouldn't mind keeping it until the 2008 Nationals as space is not as big an issue as it was. But like anything I own it is always for sale for the right offer and I am looking hard at an XW GT Replica but so far have restrained myself. For the moment it will stay here but if I get an offer that is fair and acceptable I would probably let it go. Cheers Jockster
General / Events, Shows etc / Re: SE Street Machines Show 'n Shine
on: September 26, 2006, 11:39:00 AM
For those SA Club members coming down for the weekend, keep your eye out for an FC running around in primer, it gained rego approval today with a Gen 111 engine trans combo. He will be on the lookout for you guys and is a potential member. Cheers Jockster