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1  Technical Board / General Technical / Re: custom painting techniques on: August 12, 2010, 05:46:56 PM
2  Technical Board / General Technical / Re: custom painting techniques on: August 12, 2010, 05:45:09 PM
here it is after i blocked it down pin striped the edges and then threw a whole bunch of clear on it.

3  Technical Board / General Technical / Re: custom painting techniques on: May 25, 2010, 05:56:55 PM
thanks guys, i will be doing some stuff on my wagon but not lace, but my friend wants me to do his hr all over like this. i cant wait. i will continue to add more as i go. i thought i could start this thread so people could add there own experiments/disasters.
4  For Sale and Wanted / Parts Wanted / Re: Wanted fe - fc Steering wheel on: May 25, 2010, 05:53:15 PM
wow, that sounds perfect. i will pm you my address and if you give me your accounts details i can transfer some money accross. thankyou very much

regards tom
5  Technical Board / General Technical / custom painting techniques on: May 22, 2010, 02:09:52 PM
here is a lace bonnet that i did at tafe, step by step

firstly i preped and painted the bonnet in basecoat white then measured and masked up the shape i wanted to remain white

i was kind of making it up as i went along adding extra scallops and curves

then i placed the lace down on the bonnet made sure it looked semetrical taped it in place then painted a verycourse silver over the lace (forgot to take a photo at this stage)

then i made up some binder with a green candy in it. i wanted the candy to be darker on the edges and kind of blend into the middle so i painted evenly around the taped lines.

then a couple more coats over the entire thing with appropriate flash off times in-between.

then i unmasked it (carefully)

you can see how the silver really stands up through the candy. then i gave it a few coats of clear.

i ran out of time, but i would like to block the whole thing back with 1200p grit paper (wet) and the clear the whole thing again just to try remove all the lines on the edges.

hope you like it, would love to do a whole car like this would be grrrreat!
6  For Sale and Wanted / Parts Wanted / Re: Wanted fe - fc Steering wheel on: May 21, 2010, 07:25:38 PM
no i havnt yet, how much and are you closeish to melbourne or would you post?
7  Galleries / Project Cars - FEs and FCs Under Construction / Re: Standard Wagon on: May 21, 2010, 07:11:31 PM
hmm those photo's dont do it justice, they were all taken whilst the car was on an angle, looks a lot lower in life.

here is a lace bonnet that i did at tafe, step by step

firstly i preped and painted the bonnet in basecoat white then measured and masked up the shape i wanted to remain white

i was kind of making it up as i went along adding extra scallops and curves

then i placed the lace down on the bonnet made sure it looked semetrical taped it in place then painted a verycourse silver over the lace (forgot to take a photo at this stage)

then i made up some binder with a green candy in it. i wanted the candy to be darker on the edges and kind of blend into the middle so i painted evenly around the taped lines.

then a couple more coats over the entire thing with appropriate flash off times in-between.

then i unmasked it (carefully)

you can see how the silver really stands up through the candy. then i gave it a few coats of clear.

i ran out of time, but i would like to block the whole thing back with 1200p grit paper (wet) and the clear the whole thing again just to try remove all the lines on the edges.

hope you like it, would love to do a whole like this would be grrrreat!

8  Galleries / Project Cars - FEs and FCs Under Construction / Re: Standard Wagon on: May 21, 2010, 06:55:30 PM
thanks everyone, am very happy to finally have her on the road, i put the lowering blocks in and made it to the rod show, only i forgot to take photo's of my own car there haha, maybe someone will have a photo of it. it was a great day though, there was another fc there that looked great white and blue sedan with twin carbed grey. here is some photo's of it lowered.

9  Galleries / Project Cars - FEs and FCs Under Construction / Re: Standard Wagon on: May 15, 2010, 02:01:13 PM
got her on the road, am so excited, got white wall inserts on yesterday and am putting some lowering blocks on her later today, heres some pics of the whitewalls.

10  Galleries / Project Cars - FEs and FCs Under Construction / Re: Standard Wagon on: May 09, 2010, 10:34:27 PM
am booked in for tomorrow, have done all my paperwork and a few last minute touch ups. hopefully all goes well and as of tomorrow i shall be enjoying my labour efforts.
11  For Sale and Wanted / Parts Wanted / Re: Steering Wheel on: May 09, 2010, 10:33:00 PM
am also after a fe-fc steering wheel, i have an fb one and it is far to close to my chest after going back to an fc colomn
12  For Sale and Wanted / Parts Wanted / Re: steering box, to suite hr front end on: May 09, 2010, 10:31:31 PM
found one. no need to all jump to offer.
13  For Sale and Wanted / Parts Wanted / Re: Front bumper. on: May 09, 2010, 10:30:21 PM
14  Galleries / Project Cars - FEs and FCs Under Construction / Re: Standard Wagon on: May 07, 2010, 10:26:50 PM
fixed everthing they said to and got my road worthy yesterday, am trying to book it in at vicroads for reg asap, hopefully will all be on the road for rockabilly meltdown at ferntree gully hotel on the 16th. am so happy, been waiting two years for this moment.
15  General / Events, Shows etc / Re: Rockabilly Meltdown - hot road and band show on: May 07, 2010, 10:25:21 PM
its free to view cars, $30 to get into the see the bands.
16  General / Events, Shows etc / Rockabilly Meltdown - hot road and band show on: May 07, 2010, 10:24:13 PM
its on again at 1130 burwood hwy ferntree gully at the ferntree gully hotel, its always a great day with a pretty good turnout of cars and bands. hopefully i get my car reg'd before next sunday and there will be an fc there.

17  For Sale and Wanted / Parts Wanted / Wanted fe - fc Steering wheel on: May 06, 2010, 08:41:06 AM
hi all, i have recently gone for road worthy and had to replace my fb steering column because of excessive play. the only good condition one i could find was an fc, and i only have the fb wheel, an fb steering wheel on an fc column just does not work as the fb steering wheel comes out alot more then the fc and it nearly hits my chest.

thanks for looking regards tom
18  For Sale and Wanted / Parts For Sale / Re: shed clean out moving sale on: May 04, 2010, 04:46:01 PM
im looking for a steering wheel. fe -fc. would you be able to post to victoria via c.o.d?
19  Galleries / Project Cars - FEs and FCs Under Construction / Re: Standard Wagon on: April 28, 2010, 06:14:09 PM
nah they said that there was to much play in my steering box, and ive gotta replace the rear shoes and cylinders, plus plug a few holes in the fires wall, have already sourced new steering column and box, and have oredered the break shoes and cylinders, should have it all done over the weekend and go back in next week. at least iverything i have done didnt get picked haha, so close. still took it for a bit of a drive whilst i had the permit. haha
20  For Sale and Wanted / Parts Wanted / steering box, to suite hr front end on: April 28, 2010, 02:18:37 PM
hi all, am after a steering box or a column with box that has no play, i have standard fc column and box but my box has far to much play. would like to swap it over for an fb-eh column and box. i hope someone can help me. regards Tom
 p.s am in melbourne area but dont mind a drive.
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