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1  General / General Board / Re: happy birthday on: September 22, 2006, 01:41:28 AM
Cheers Rusty

Had an enjoyable day - had two little helpers to open my presents and cards and help me eat the ice cream cake.  They make a big difference to such occasions

2  General / General Board / Peter Brock Memorial Book on: September 16, 2006, 01:33:13 AM
Many would have seen this, but for those that haven't


Message from GM Holden Ltd

Greetings all. As you will be aware there are many people who wish to pass on their respects and messages to the Brock family at this time. There are a number of avenues open to us including the following:  
A Peter Brock Memorial Book will be placed at reception in GM Holden state offices.  If people wish to call in to sign the book they will be most welcome, The books will be available during office hours from Thursday of this week until 4.00 pm on Friday 22nd September. The books will then be passed on to the family with our condolences.

If you wish to send donations:
Peter Brock Foundation
Bank: Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633000
Account: 126925825  

If you wish to send flowers:
The Brock Family
4 Hayleys Gully Road
Hurstbridge  VIC 3099  

Please feel free to pass on this information to relevent people and clubs.  Our best regards.  

Eve, Corporate Affairs, GM Holden Ltd


I went into Salmon street and signed for the Vic Club today
3  General / General Board / the history of the VE on telly Saturday on: August 25, 2006, 09:11:08 PM
For six years camera crews had exclusive and unlimited access to the development of Holden's all-new VE Commodore.

For the first time on television, witness behind-the-scenes footage of Australia's best automotive engineers and designers striving to create not only the greatest Australian car ever, but a car to rival the best in the world. It's a unique story that gives a rare insight into Australia's most iconic company and the passion to create world-class cars.

Billion Dollar Baby
The inside story of Holden's all-new Commodore
Channel 9 and WIN
Saturday 26 August at 4pm
4  For Sale and Wanted / Reproduction Parts / Re: Repro lap belts on: June 02, 2006, 01:52:57 AM
It was my understanding that FE had the gap at the top and the FC didn't.  My research (talking crap at swap meets etc) shows FC's are normally done in reverse, cutting a small slot in the bottom of the b pillar and pull the backing plate up.

Flamed FE
5  General / General Board / Re: Who was after a "Hotdog"? I got da Dog! on: May 31, 2006, 02:16:52 AM

Got pic and price for the pipes?

Flamed FE
6  Technical Board / Modification Help / Re: Twin Headlight Guards on: May 26, 2006, 06:48:04 AM

Often dreamed about doing the same thing.  There is a pommie car (rover I think) that has a side by side lights that would look great on a FC as the fender looks like a FC fender to start with.

You will have to give me a little while to remember what car it was a find a pic.

(There was one sitting at Haveys this time last year in the Europian section if anyone else can remember)

Flamed Fe
7  General / General Board / Cliver Robertson's FE? on: May 12, 2006, 08:48:16 PM
Yesterday's green guide had a write up of Clive Robertson's new show Agany Aunts with Clive Robertson.  The promo pic has the three of them sitting in an FE.  Not sure if the car is a feature of the show or not as I didn't get to watch it.

did anyone see the show?  Is the FE a regular feature?

Flamed FE
8  Technical Board / Modification Help / Re: four speed conversion on: March 14, 2006, 11:48:01 PM
Ok - I've got the gear box behind the motor and the motor back into the car, but adapter didn't fit.  Looking at these pics it because I haven't remove enough floor, as I have gone upto and not through the hump cross member.  A little nervous here.  Once cut how did you mount the box and reinforce the cross member again?

Flamed Fe
9  Galleries / Members' Completed FE-FC Projects / Re: Grey One's Rebuild on: December 07, 2005, 09:16:00 AM

Looks good.  At least you were smart enough not to let you brother do any welding on it!!

Flamed Fe
10  Technical Board / Modification Help / Re: Chopping a top 101 on: November 17, 2005, 03:13:03 AM
I'm interested if a group chop ever gets off the ground
11  Technical Board / Modification Help / Re: Chopping a top 101 on: November 10, 2005, 02:04:59 AM
what a thread - looks fantastic
12  For Sale and Wanted / Reproduction Parts / Re: FC Grille Badge on: October 05, 2005, 07:12:52 AM

Sent you a PM

Flamed FE
13  Galleries / Original Advertisements, Brochures / Brochure pics on Holden site on: September 27, 2005, 06:20:21 AM
Found this by accident


14  Technical Board / Modification Help / Re: Almost got it! on: September 23, 2005, 01:55:43 AM
don't do my trick and put it in 180 degrees out.  Pull out first spark plug and make sure you can see the top of the piston (or stick something in and feel it)
15  Technical Board / Modification Help / Re: FC Wagon spats on: September 20, 2005, 01:08:54 AM

the few times I've been to the Sanddown swap meet there has been a guy there selling all the popular spats.  Sorry no idea on price, but he should be able to answer your questions.

16  General / General Board / Re: No petrol Day on: September 15, 2005, 12:46:47 AM
It's not the buying of petrol - it's the use of Petrol.  Organise a no petrol usage for a week and then the petrol companies may decide to take note - but the odds of getting enough people to not drive to make an impact is buckleys and none.  The other problem you have is the more you advertise the event the better prepared the oil companies are to deal with it and so they lose nothing.
17  Technical Board / Modification Help / Brake Booster Letters on: September 09, 2005, 08:08:37 PM
Can anyone tell me what the letters mean on a VH40  brake booster and the difference between these VH40s?

eg the ASR in VH 40 ASR,
18  Technical Board / Modification Help / Re: Stromberg WW Carby on: August 25, 2005, 07:30:22 AM
I also plan to put one in when I find the time to work on the beast again (got the bits - not the time).  I was thinking of using a thin bit of copper tubing wrapped around my extractors to replace the need to use a 186s exhaust manifold with the correct holes in it.  It was my understanding that it was only used to warm the air being pulled into the auto choke, not actually suppling the air to the auto choke.

If you are looking for details of, the best place I found was the HK, HT, HG manual from the local library under the 253 V8 section.  I would assume an original holden HR manual would have the details in it, but the non holden ones do not have much on the 186s or WW carby.

Worst comes to worst I photo copied a slap from the HK manual if you need a copy.
19  Technical Board / Modification Help / Re: For custom FC on: August 20, 2005, 01:11:22 AM
how are you (or Alex how did you) get around the clutch.  Use a hydraulic clutch adapter or did you change to a cable?

20  Technical Board / Modification Help / Re: For custom FC on: August 20, 2005, 01:07:25 AM
Cool doona cover Rusty - looks like one of the original 70's one.

It may be easier to go get yourself a bit of 10mm bar from the local hardware store and make a few proto types before bashing away on the current linkages.

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