FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum
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1  General / General Board / Re: New attach section "no go" on: September 19, 2002, 10:48:32 PM

I've pulled the plug on GIF attachments - our disk space is just filling up too fast, and so I made an executive decision that the animated GIFs had to go.

If you want to include them in your posts, please link to the original wherever you found it on the internet, rather than uploading them here.


2  For Sale and Wanted / Cars For Sale / Re: Yellow and black FC on: September 05, 2002, 12:57:03 AM

I deleted your attachment because it was inappropriate.  Just let it go, alright?  You ask for criticism or abuse if you insist on baiting people.
3  Galleries / Unreal Cars - Members' Artwork / Re: Photoshop chop on: July 09, 2002, 05:23:35 AM
Ask and ye shall receive.  Check out the new "Galleries" category, which has a new board where you pixel-beaters can go berserk.

4  General / General Board / Radar Detectors on: May 29, 2002, 03:39:35 AM
You may have briefly seen a message here about Radar Detectors.  I have deleted it, and notified the poster:

If you're wondering what happened to your post, I deleted it.  As I understand it, Radar Detectors are still illegal in Australia.  The agreement which you clicked through when you registered was quite explicit about posts which are considered unacceptable, and this includes violation of any law.

I direct your attention to Section 4AD(1) of the Traffic Act, which states that it is an offence to "sell or offer for sale a radar detecting device or a radar jamming device".

Please refrain from posting messages about radar detectors on this site in future.

Board Admin.

Apologies to anyone who feels slighted by this heavy-handed approach.

Board Admin.
5  Technical Board / Restoration Help / Re: HEATER DEMISTER FITTING INSTRUCTIONS on: March 07, 2002, 06:52:50 AM
Hi there Rod,

I've moved the rest of this thread off to the General Board so that the important discussion gets a bit more exposure.  Go here: http://www.fefcholden.org.au/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=general;action=display;num=1015389659


Please reply here only if it relates specifically to the Heater Demister Fitting Instructions.

6  For Sale and Wanted / Cars For Sale / Please read before posting on: February 24, 2002, 02:55:05 AM
This board is free for all to use to advertise FE and FC Holdens for sale.  We would ask that you adhere to these simple rules when posting:

1.  Please include the city you (and the car) are located in.  This site is visited by FE-FC enthusiasts from all over Australia and overseas.

2.  Please indicate the price you are asking for the vehicle.  You're much more likely to get responses from people really interested that way.  And don't forget that FE-FC enthusiasts do know what these cars are worth Wink

3.  Include as much detail about the vehicle as you can.  You're not being charged by the word here Grin If you are able to post a picture of the car, this is appreciated by the viewers.  Instructions can be found in the Members Photos area on how to do this.

4. Include a phone number or email address if you don't intend or are unable to check this site regularly for responses.  If you are a member, don't forget to check the "Notify of replies" box, so that you will receive email automatically when there are responses to your ad.

5.  Most importantly, post a message to let people know when the vehicle has been sold.  We can  then delete the ad, ensuring that you don't get calls about the car for years to come :-/

Good luck selling your FE/FC.

The FE-FC Forum Team.
7  General / General Board / New Monaro on: September 28, 2001, 12:57:14 AM
The NSW Club received an email from Holden Public Relations yesterday, with links to information about the new Monaro on their site at http://www.holden.com.au

There's some promotional info and a sneak-peek at it available.  Check it out if you're interested.
8  General / General Board / Re: Old Discussion Boards on: September 08, 2001, 04:09:15 AM
If you've logged in and noticed the sudden jump in threads and posts, it is because the "General" section of the old Discussion board is now available here.  The old Cars and Parts boards will also be added in due course.


9  General / General Board / Old Discussion Boards on: August 31, 2001, 07:02:04 AM
I am hoping to be able to import the old discussion board information into these new boards.  In the meantime, here is the link to the old boards - note that these are now read-only:  http://www.gangshow.com/fefc_chat.htm

I have also moved the few posts from Yahoo across manually.  That was fun!

10  General / General Board / New Discussion boards on: August 31, 2001, 06:45:20 AM
As you may be aware, the recent move to Yahoo has not been a spectacular success, and a number of frequent contributors have commented that the old board was better (and at least it didn't crash your browser).  I couldn't agree more, but unfortunately our member (Phil Gray) who set the boards up is no longer in a position to keep up the maintenance they require.

So I have set up these new boards within our site, and hope that they are an improvement.  You do not have to register to use them, but there are benefits to registering, such as email notification and so on.

Please feel free to email me if you have any problems, issues or comments on the new boards.

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