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1  Galleries / Unreal Cars - Members' Artwork / Re: FC chop chop on: December 06, 2006, 10:00:56 AM
Now thats more like it just chuck it on some "Pimped" out chrome wheels and your set
2  General / General Board / Re: Just thought Id say Gday and introduce my self on: December 05, 2006, 08:54:00 AM
Ok well a lil bit of progress since last night (I was thinking all day about it at work)
I spent the last 2hrs moving all the parts and what not from in and around the shed that the FE was kept in. I didnt relise that my dad has been getting all spare bits and piece's for years, there is gearboxs, springs, dash's, steering wheels, hubcaps, engine parts, guards/doors/bonnet off what im guessing are a FC.
And I found some interesting details while i was doing this
Its a 57 FE special that was last rego'd in 91 and has rusted on brakes (so moving it out of the shed might be a task)

Here is one of the pictures that i took off my camera phone, but Ill take more once my sister finds her Digital camera

And yes my self and my dad will be joining the FE/FC car club. Just need to get off our butts.

No mojor work will be done to the FE untill we can decide where to build the new shed (I know where and how big i want it but dad said there is such thing as a shed thats to big.......

3  General / General Board / Re: One mans collection 153 cars for sale on: December 04, 2006, 11:32:49 AM
God dam such a waste of sooo many nice caddy's

If only I wasnt just a 4th year apprentice......
4  General / General Board / Re: Just thought Id say Gday and introduce my self on: December 04, 2006, 09:21:20 AM
Im from Gisborne which is about 40min from melb heading towards bendigo. The car is my perants but I just sold my VR Clubsport (which won best origional VR at the All Holden Day this year)
Mum said why dont you get the FE up and going, (which was my plan in the long run not right now) but I might as well start now. Im wanting to just keep it 100% origional (as much as possible) and then eventually get a FE or FC wagon and put something with a lil more go in it.

I want to go tow it out of the shed right now but me and dad need to sort out if we will put up a new shed just for it.
5  General / General Board / Just thought Id say Gday and introduce my self on: December 04, 2006, 08:38:02 AM
Gday Guys and Girls, Im very new to the site. Im about to start working on my FE which has been in the family for awhile but sitting in the shed for 10years atleast. So far ive had a look through the site as much as i can and it looks like it will be alot of help to me.

But yes I just thought I would say Gday
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