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1  Technical Board / Restoration Help / Re: Sample FC colours? on: February 12, 2002, 02:32:13 AM
Thanks heaps Craig.  I'll try Muirs and Rare Spares and may see you there tomorrow night.....if I can find Holroyd in the Gregory's and get a leave pass!  
2  Technical Board / Restoration Help / Re: Sample FC colours? on: February 12, 2002, 01:30:02 AM
Thank you all for the assist.  I'm in Annandale, NSW (between Glebe and Leichhardt) and the ute is at the Outlaws down in Gisborne, Vic.  I go down to Melbourne just about every month so snooping around for stuff in either capital city is pretty easy.  BTW, Richard, how to tell what the ridgy-didgy ute colours were anyway?

Is there anywhere with lots of spares?  I think I've got a sedan bumper on it and that the utes came with "bumperettes", which I need to source.

Also needs lots of rubber, chrome work, the steering wheel is a bit deteriorated, and I need some advise on what tyres would suit it these days if anyone has some experience with these areas.

It goes in for panel beating and paint late May so I'm trying to tidy up the rest beforehand and getting prety excited about tooling around in it by July!  Thanks again all.    
3  Technical Board / Restoration Help / Sample FC colours? on: February 11, 2002, 10:27:27 PM
Is there anywhere that original FC colours can be seen?  Holden books?  Websites?  Clubs?  I'm restoring a 59 ute and may change from original light blue.  Thanks a milion!
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