Title: FC Sports Sedan Racing Again Post by: normd on July 16, 2002, 12:45:07 PM My FC in 1980 before the sign writing (pic and description in "racing FE/FC's"). At this time it had been raced for 10 years , as you can see the car is still very straight and the only "BOG" in the car is in the "Flares", otherwise the car has never been BENT since the rebuild in 1970. Ken has told me it is a mid 1959 standard model , Melb build , No 3200. It has a modified FE grill and all chrome stripped off except bumpers and headlight surrounds . One of the local mechanics has asked me if I would like to get it "back on the track" so within the next few weeks , it will look like this again and running at "Wakefield Park" Goulburn, at a later date . I will keep you posted when the time comes.
Thanks Ken for the Info. Thanks to craig for the help posting this Norm (http://photo.starblvd.net/normd/1-1-1.jpg) |