FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => General Board => Topic started by: air-chief on July 11, 2002, 11:57:12 AM

Title: Dead Wagon
Post by: air-chief on July 11, 2002, 11:57:12 AM
Not much left on this one.

And before any one asks, I picked this car up like this. I don't have any of the parts from it.


Title: Re: Dead Wagon
Post by: RET on July 11, 2002, 09:34:54 PM
OK, I'll bite.  What on earth possessed you to pick it up then?  :-X

Title: Re: Dead Wagon
Post by: air-chief on July 11, 2002, 10:22:01 PM
G'day RET

I wasn't looking for any bites :o  I drive the truck for a living and part of the work is bomb removal. I've come across a guy with 20 or so old holdens and as hes finished with them he rings me to take the rest away for scrap.

I just thought I would share some pixs of them before they go in the crusher.


Title: Re: Dead Wagon
Post by: RET on July 12, 2002, 12:47:55 AM
Well, fair enough then.  That makes perfect sense.

Seems a shame to crush it tho, there's the front half of a stretched limo FE there  :'(


Title: Re: Dead Wagon
Post by: mcl1959 on July 12, 2002, 10:16:51 AM
Air Chief, it's not an FE 219 is it ?

If you ever come across an ID plate from a FE219 - I would love to get it.


Title: Re: Dead Wagon
Post by: customFC on July 12, 2002, 10:17:44 AM
C'mon Richard and Ken. I'm surprised at you guys!! Can't you tell an FC when you see one. Lol. ;D

Title: Re: Dead Wagon
Post by: air-chief on July 12, 2002, 10:59:13 AM
G'day Ken

Its not a 219 sorry. But I do have the numbers from the FE for you :)

Are you after a sedan or wagon plate??


Title: Re: Dead Wagon
Post by: PeteR on July 13, 2002, 03:52:23 AM

I'm pretty sure ' FE219' is the code for FE standard wagon, pretty rare items from what I've been told.  Just to think 14 years ago I could have bought one for $1500 with 18000 genuine miles on the clock (and it was immaculate) at a deceased estate sale!  I guess we all have a story like that, but at the time $$ were very scarce, however if I knew then what I know now I would have scraped it up somehow!!  Oh well....


Title: Re: Dead Wagon
Post by: air-chief on July 13, 2002, 10:23:22 AM
Thanks Peter, but I do understand the coding system.

I remember that Ken posted looking for a ID plate a while ago but forgot to mention if he wanted it for a sedan or wagon. :-/

Title: Re: Dead Wagon
Post by: mcl1959 on July 14, 2002, 01:33:50 AM
A wagon  -  I have acouple of FE 215 plates but have never been able to find a wrecked FE 219.
