Title: QLD Convoy Post by: FC0058 on March 22, 2005, 02:16:27 PM Its Convoy Time.
In about 7 hours the QLD club is hitting the road and in about 7 minutes I am hitting the hay. Its been a long day doing all those final things that need to be done. Oh and by the way its my Birthday, and what a way to spend it just cruising down the highway with a bunch of other club cars. See you all in the Snowies Title: Re: QLD Convoy Post by: normd on March 22, 2005, 03:04:13 PM WOHHHH 40 :o :o :o :o :o
Happy Birthday Jim And have a safe trip. Norm :) Title: Re: QLD Convoy Post by: gp on March 22, 2005, 08:53:13 PM Happy Birthday Jim!
Have a great trip to Jindabyne. Cya in e few days. Cheers, Graham. :D :D Title: Re: QLD Convoy Post by: FC0058 on April 03, 2005, 10:43:48 PM Hi All
From what I can tell with the exception of Jason & Sonja (fevanv6) we are all home now. Speaking for myself I had a great time, my wife is spewing that she could not attend, but as she said there is always next year. I would like to thank all those involved in the nationals for a well organised event. I would also like to thank the entrants and all that attended it was the best time I have had for years and was money well spent. So my friends I hope to see you all again next time, keep in touch and keep an eye out for my photos as I go through my over inflated stock pile. Cheers Jim Title: Re: QLD Convoy Post by: Effie C on April 04, 2005, 05:39:09 AM Jim
Good to hear all got home safely, hope to catch up with all at the next nationals in Vic. John M |