FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

Technical Board => Modification Help => Topic started by: happycamper2233 on January 18, 2005, 04:04:52 AM

Title: Learning?
Post by: happycamper2233 on January 18, 2005, 04:04:52 AM
 I am a 16 year old guy, and have a basic knowledge of cars/trucks, but since i am going to have to pay for my car/truck, and i dont have a ton of money,(plus i live in minnesota) i am thinking of buying a truck, for the 4 wheel drive, and i like them. My main question is, where can i learn how to modify my truck(i will likely need to fix it up, maybe add some power etc..), and where/how can i get cheap parts?

Title: Re: Learning?
Post by: Shayne on January 18, 2005, 04:52:53 AM
Gday mate,
I would reckon that there would be many mechanics and enthusiasts in Minnesota who are able to help you in your endeavours.  Many a 16 year old with no automobile experience has gone on to create a great vehicle.  Look around your home town & talk to people there.  You do realise we are a Holden (General Motors product) club forum in Australia?
regards and best wishes.

Title: Re: Learning?
Post by: customFC on January 18, 2005, 05:20:12 AM
Hello Happycamper.
First up, good luck with your project.
The places to find out about what and how to do things are many. Try such things as:
Visit your local car club.
Go to as many shows as possible and check out the other cars. Also talk to their owners - most would be happy to talk about their rides.
Check out your local College. Many have vehicle restoration courses.
Buy and read magazines.
If you have a particular car/truck, buy the repair manual for this model and read up. Visit your local specialist parts supplier and score their parts catalogue.
The WWW is also a good place for general and if your lucky, specific info for you vehicle.
Can't help you locate the people you need from this part of the world, but Minnesota is a big place and sure to have the contacts you need. Start with the phone book as a source of locations. (It's free and you probably already have 1)

Title: Re: Learning?
Post by: JB on January 18, 2005, 10:28:10 AM
Hey Happycamper,

I would suggest that you find the Truck, Car that has grabbed your eye at some stage then do a little reseach.
At the moment I have been looking at doing a 1946 Chev 1 1/2 ton truck, so typed in the mname in a seach engine and went from there. I now have photo's and all the information that I need about this truck... Now all I have to do is find one in Australia.

Hope this helps a little.


Title: Re: Learning?
Post by: TorqueFC on January 19, 2005, 10:54:45 PM
hey guys

all of yas r right
im only 14 and im doin my own car

the thing is never get ur hopes up, and dont let the owner suck u in

i have looked at tons of cars, id get my hopes up then its a shit heap, always expect the worst

thanks guys, oh yeah does any1 know how to put pics on here

Title: Re: Learning?
Post by: Martin on January 20, 2005, 12:31:38 AM
Darcy, there is a post at the top of "Real Cars - Members Photo Album".  The post is titled "Linking and Uploading Images onto the Forum"

This will tell you how to post pics.