Title: countdown Post by: surferboy on January 07, 2005, 10:50:16 PM only 10 more pay days before we start the epic journey to jindabyne.............but i need about 20 !!!
I've been reading fast eddies wagon rebuild ready for jindabyne...does this mean i'm supposed to at least wash my wagon again..or am i supposed to polish it too !!! 8) 8) 8) Title: Re: countdown Post by: fccool59 on January 11, 2005, 08:07:49 AM Shheeeiit, I hope you get paid monthly, I was hoping to pull the wagon down in a couple of months and do some work on it, it's only just holden together these days and needs alot of work prior to rego wich is due just before the nationals.
please dont give me any horrorfying reminders till I atleast save up for a mig and some paint and get a subframe. Title: Re: countdown Post by: Tailshaft_Tim on January 14, 2005, 04:45:27 AM Bring on the wagons guys, I love 'em no matter what they look like!
Bec and I still aren't sure if we'll get our wagon ready in time. A while ago it was rear-ended and subsequently suffered major drivetrain trauma. Still needs a motor rebuild, new gearbox & diff - we aren't even going to start on the rust, paint & panels, interior etc etc. Guess we'll worry about that kinda stuff for the FC's 50th Anniversary Nats in SA during Easter 2008. :) See you in the Snowies Title: Re: countdown Post by: fccool59 on January 16, 2005, 12:08:04 AM mmm, im thinking of rebuiling my motor to since I have to take of the subframe, my current motor was rebuilt prior to the mildura nationals, we left late after too many drinks the night before putting us two hours behind. The motor was run in at a very high speed, I mean I passed all the cars on the freeway with my foot on the brake to steady the car and then accelerated, every other car seemed like it was in reverse even though I was slowing down to pass. we caught up with the club at yass.
I have always had a grat fear of being run up the back of in the FC, But the flamethrowers have done very well as a deterent for tailgaters. Title: Re: countdown Post by: Martin on January 16, 2005, 12:37:22 PM My donk is coming out of the car tomorrow to be rebuilt to make sure it gets to Jindabyne. I hope to have it back in the car in 4 weeks to give it a bit of running in before the trip.
Martin Title: Re: countdown Post by: GREGD on January 18, 2005, 10:41:56 AM Hi to all going to the nats. :) :) well if you think pulling your motor this close to the nats and hoping that its all back together and running in time for the nats requires good luck and a mild dose of insanity, then everyone will think I need comitting :P on saturday the 15/1/05 I pulled EFFEE apart all detatchable panels, engine, gearbox and diff all out (in 4 hours) ready for a paint touchup partial rewire partial retrim and the usual pre nats going over. thanks to steve shepherd for his help
see you at the nats :o can the WA convoy please email me re adelaide o/nite stop www.effee@bigpond.com.au Gregd Title: Re: countdown Post by: RET on January 19, 2005, 03:13:44 AM I seem to recall CraigA started a complete tear-down, respray and rebuild with about as much lead-time, prior to the Gold Coast Nats.
Title: Re: countdown Post by: craiga on January 19, 2005, 03:54:15 AM RET is right, I did it in a similar timeframe, and I sincerely wish Greg all the best. 2.00am finishes for 8 weeks isn't a great lead up to the Nats!!
The difference when I did it is that I spent 3 weeks pulling it apart in a very systematic manner - reconditoning, repairing, painting bits as they came off. Then marking, bagging and boxing them into areas of the car. One box for front door, one for the dash etc etc. This meant I put it back together in only 2 days. I'm always suprised when people tear cars apart with no plan except what they imagine it will look like when its back together. How many projects get abandoned because it all appears too hard when you have a pile of disorganised bit and pieces? Slow and steady pulling them apart, easy and happy putting 'em back together ;D Cheers, Craig. Title: Re: countdown Post by: brads59 on January 20, 2005, 03:25:26 AM Gday Greg,
long time no see. So effee is in bits huh? Good luck with the rebuild. Craig i wish id done what you did when i pulled FranCine apart ??? But she is all there still and i do have some idea of how she all goes back together :-/ Cheers Brad Title: Re: countdown Post by: Longhurst on January 20, 2005, 09:43:50 PM Sorry I cannot match the pull down stories but as we live in the snowies we have planned a 9 day trip through Vic early March prior to the Nationals just to turn the oil over in the old car so we can make the run from Cooma to Jindabyne.
Peter Title: Re: countdown Post by: colt on January 21, 2005, 10:32:10 AM G'day, Peter.
Yeh, that's a harrowing trip from Cooma to Jindabyne. Speaking from experience as a passenger in Genni. (A certain club members very capable SS) Have a good trip & don't wear out your car. Is Sharp St. the main street in Cooma? Colin Title: Re: countdown Post by: gp on January 21, 2005, 09:11:24 PM Jenniii just LOVES that twisty road! :D :D :D
Title: Re: countdown Post by: Longhurst on January 21, 2005, 10:15:28 PM Colin,
Sharp St. is the main street of Cooma and it is very up to date for a country town as it has two roundabouts. As for the twisty road the speed of the FE's and FC'c will straighten it out Peter Title: Re: countdown Post by: colt on January 22, 2005, 06:32:34 AM Thanks for that, Peter. The reason I ask will become obvious very soon. Yes, Graham. It will be a VERY GOOD FE or FC that ever beats Jenniii.
Colin Title: Re: countdown Post by: GREGD on January 27, 2005, 08:09:20 AM Hi to all
its a practiced art its the 5th time i have pulled effee down and there was no need to bag or label anything i know that car (FE-FC's) backwards see you in the snowies in effee Greg Title: Re: countdown Post by: surferboy on January 27, 2005, 11:47:51 PM I'm lucky. I don't have to pull my wagon apart.........
I just pick up the bits off the road when they fall off !!! My entry is in, accomodation is booked , trucks organized, flights booked, meals arranged, SYDNEY HOTEL WITH SPA reserved, wagon washed (but not polished ! ), I'm all ready to GO. All I have to do now is figure out how I'm going to pay for it all :o ??? :-/ :o ??? ??? 8) 8) 8) Title: Re: countdown Post by: Fast_Eddie on January 28, 2005, 10:46:02 PM Surferboy,
Are you going to being a Mal across and live up to your name? Regards Ed Title: Re: countdown Post by: surferboy on January 31, 2005, 01:05:18 PM YEP. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
It's got more wax on it than the car. I,ve already got the wetsuit packed. I might need it to keep warm on the chilly Jindabyne mornings. I was thinking about paddling around the lake if i get withdrawal symptoms . if we get kiwi to jump in the other side i should get a nice wave.(sorry kiwi ;) ;D only 6 weeks and4 days before we start the adventure 8) 8) 8) Title: Re: countdown Post by: surferboy on February 07, 2005, 12:24:07 PM ONLY 5 MORE PAY DAYS TO GO ! ! !
Overtime & Penaltyrates. My two favourite words. 8) 8) 8) Title: Re: countdown Post by: NO NAME on February 07, 2005, 01:36:22 PM two weeks and I should have enough money for my primer, two weeks after that I have to pay over $700 for rego. A cheaper alternative might be to quickly move to queensland and drive from there with QLD rego.
another week or two and I will start on my strip down. the street will be flashing from welding light till early hours between grinding and hammering and sanding while I go crazy wishing I was in bed. as for overtime, I need the money it brings equally to how I will need the time the overtime takes, bugger. I am a little envios of those who's cars are sitting ready to paint or with the paint already applied who can stand with a beer and potter around screwing bits back together at whatever pace they like. Title: Re: countdown Post by: Ed on February 07, 2005, 10:01:37 PM Wish u success Leon,
Although.. I havent had time to stand around with beer and potter about (wishing I did). Assembling a car is hard after so many years of it being disassembled!! Cheers Ed Title: Re: countdown Post by: Kathy on February 07, 2005, 10:37:41 PM Hey Surferboy
Lake Jindabyne is well known for its big waves when the wind comes up. Additionally, the Lake is well used by water skiiers. May not be the same as the surf but the thrill of skiing across the water should be enough to ease your withdrawal symptoms if you can convince someone to tow you behind their boat. As the song goes: Everybody's gone surfin' Surfin' Jin da byne Cheers Kathy Title: Re: countdown Post by: NO NAME on February 08, 2005, 09:57:32 AM hey Ed, good to see you are getting into it, have you fired er up yet?
Title: Re: countdown Post by: surferboy on February 08, 2005, 10:26:56 PM Now they're talking about SNOW !!!
Perhaps i should bring some iceskates instead of the longboard 8) 8) 8) Title: Re: countdown Post by: Fast_Eddie on February 08, 2005, 10:44:59 PM Leon,
Sometimes I put the beer down as I need two hands for some tasks. Ed Title: Re: countdown Post by: Tailshaft_Tim on February 08, 2005, 10:48:24 PM G'day Surferboy Some of the Qld'ers also mentioned the snow - everyone is gunna have to make sure they've got warm gear for the trip. (Shameless plug warning). If you don't already have warm clothing or are due for some new stuff, make sure you get your orders in for the official 10th Nats gear for pickup upon arrival at Station Resort. (http://photo.starblvd.net/Tailshaft/3-5-1-1104736802?m=1&pg=2&ro=4&co=0) (http://photo.starblvd.net/Tailshaft/3-5-2-1104657073?m=1&pg=2&ro=4&co=1) (http://photo.starblvd.net/Tailshaft/3-5-3-1104657545?m=1&pg=2&ro=4&co=2) See you in the Snowies Cheers, Tim. PS. All the very best of luck to all of you guys working on your FE-FC's to be ready in time for the Nats. We are following the progress and can't wait to see the results cruising into Jindabyne at Easter. Title: Re: countdown Post by: Ed on February 08, 2005, 11:43:10 PM Leon,
I’m 4 intake manifold gasket retaining plugs away from kicking the old girl into life. Very exciting Cheers Ed then the beer will come out! Title: Re: countdown Post by: JB on February 09, 2005, 03:25:18 AM Tailshaft_Tim,
The only problem is that we will wear them once and then let the moths get to them... ;D Hey Ed, Beers are after the shout of excitement and then grabbing evryone that you can find to show them it actually does work... Crank it mate!! Title: My donk is coming out of the car tomoRe: countdown Post by: Martin on March 06, 2005, 01:42:22 PM On 15 Jan I wrote:
Quote My donk is coming out of the car tomorrow to be rebuilt to make sure it gets to Jindabyne. I hope to have it back in the car in 4 weeks to give it a bit of running in before the trip. Funny about that - 8 weeks later and ... Recon motor, recon gearbox, repaint engine bay, treat & seal 80% of underside of car, seats repacked and are now round and soft, not flat & hard (original vinyl) And this all started out because I didn't trust the timing gear. (alloy gear fitted) Anyway, 9:30 this evening, started Jim up, and went for a drive around the block. Tomorrow I think I'll go for a drive. ;D ;D ;D ;D Jindabyne, here I come. Martin PS.: I hope to have a couple of photos up in the gallery tomorrow night. Title: Re: countdown Post by: surferboy on March 07, 2005, 11:40:58 AM AAAAARRRGGGHHH !!!!!!!!!
ONLY TWO MORE PAY DAYS LEFT !!!!!!!! 8) 8) 8) Title: Re: countdown Post by: NO NAME on March 07, 2005, 02:23:13 PM Is there any chance of moving easter to were it belongs, APRIL,
hopefully I will get to start my rebuild next weekend. Its starting to seem impossible. Title: Re: countdown Post by: Longhurst on March 10, 2005, 04:39:14 AM Well we made the trip through Mexico and did not sight one taco. Nine days on the road 1,736 miles with only a bonnet cable failure. Nine cars made the trip 6 Holdens the FC was the oldest a 66 Merc, 65 Mustang and an early 70's Rolls.
So I can now feel confident that the old car will make the trip to Jindabyne. Peter Title: Re: countdown Post by: colt on March 10, 2005, 05:37:46 AM Good on you, Peter. Looking forward to seeing you in Jindy.
2 weeks to go! Colin Title: Re: countdown Post by: NO NAME on March 11, 2005, 02:22:14 PM I have no idea how i am going to do this, not only is it becoming financially impossible but today i started pulling my car down and it doesnt seem physically possible.
body is entirelly swiss cheese, looks like the car will be one big driving patch. I must thank Craig wilson and zephyr brad for showing up out of the blue with not one but two engine cranes and some helpfull helping hands. this was just what I needed and totally unexpected just as I was about to scratch my head and ask my self how I was going to takle the motor they pulled up out the front. when I realised my luck I quickly sent my wife of to get some pizza and bourbon and we were off. Title: Re: countdown Post by: surferboy on March 12, 2005, 04:51:22 AM Bugger ...... only one pay day left before we start THE TRIP :o :o :o
please donate generously to the HELP SURFERBOY PAY FOR PETROL CHARITY just contact me for my swiss bank account details 8) 8) 8) Title: Re: countdown Post by: blacky on March 12, 2005, 10:21:45 PM Look on the bright side Surferboy , at least you only have to pay for petrol one way ...
Title: Re: countdown Post by: NO NAME on March 13, 2005, 01:26:34 PM I just noticed my compressor wich has only ever primed on panel and pumped up a few bike tyres is blowing oil, its under a year old but I lost the reciept, bugger.
I have started on my car and put some pics up in the real cars photos section of this forum. Title: Re: countdown Post by: surferboy on March 18, 2005, 12:24:41 PM Here we go, here we go, here we go.
No more pay days left No more time to fix the wagon The bags are packed Just one more sleep 12 more hours and we hit the road SEE YOU ALL IN JINDABYNE 8) 8) 8) & Cathy |