FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => General Board => Topic started by: RET on November 26, 2004, 04:04:49 AM

Title: O/T UPMART (more like AFAHMASP)
Post by: RET on November 26, 2004, 04:04:49 AM
Don't know if you've seen this nutter alert in the press today:

SM-Herald ($2)
The Age ($2)

about people paying $500 for "lifetime registration" of their vehicle to a fringe circus called UPMART.  One of their spokespeople is currently contesting a driving unregistered charge in court, for which I wish him the best of luck.

They believe that they can offer "Common Law Vehicle Registration", amongst other things like Common Law Licenses and Common Law Marriages.  However, they also believe in stopping the flouridation of water and are against the microchipping of babies, which they say happens in the UK, so I'd be taking it all with a grain of salt.

From The Age's article:

VicRoads says several people have been fined for displaying the plates and have fought unsuccessful court actions.
"There is no provision for common law vehicle registration in the Road Safety Act," said VicRoads General Manager Geoff Shanks.

Given that they also believe in self-representation in court, I wouldn't be putting any money on a win or a place in that one.

Getting busted for driving an unregistered car is one thing, but heaven help anyone stupid enough to buy into UPMART's lifetime rego scam that has an accident.  I can see the arse getting sued off the UPMART gang before very long.

Check out their website ($2) too, which should confirm for you once and for all that they are not living in our reality...

Title: Re: O/T UPMART (more like AFAHMASP)
Post by: Spinner on November 29, 2004, 02:38:51 PM
Did you know that a UPMART Car Rally for Human Rights was held on 25 October 2005?

As Ret says,they're aninteresting bunch.