Title: 10th Nats Bulletin 05 - Merchandise Post by: Tailshaft_Tim on July 03, 2004, 06:49:03 AM Welcome FE-FC Fans to the 5th Bulletin We would like to thank everyone that participated in our FE-FC Forum Poll of official merchandise for the 10th FE-FC Holden Nationals. We received a total of 337 votes with results displayed below, we even had suggestions for coffee mugs & wall clocks! Question: What 10th FE-FC Nats merchandise would you consider ordering? 48 votes - Key Ring 46 votes - Stubby Holder 45 votes - Polar Fleece Jumper 45 votes - Badge 41 votes - Additional Shirt 40 votes - Official Black Cap 21 votes - Polar Fleece Vest 21 votes - Bucket Hat 17 votes - Coasters 13 votes - None of the Above The 10th Nats Committee will be meeting in mid-July to progress arrangements for official 10th Nats merchandise. An order form with photos and prices will be made available on the 10th Nats website as soon as we get some samples produced. If anyone has other suggestions for items that they would like to see made available, just let us know… there’s always time for another poll. Not that we’re wanting to sound overly democratic, it’s just that most suppliers want a minimum number of orders before they’ll produce an item (usually 50). So, we’ll definitely pursue items that got 40+ votes and find other suppliers to provide fewer quantities of the other items that got around 20 votes. See you in the Snowies Cheers, Tim |