FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => General Board => Topic started by: FC0058 on January 30, 2004, 09:25:44 AM

Title: O/T Virus Warning
Post by: FC0058 on January 30, 2004, 09:25:44 AM
Evening All

Just a little warning to you all. I have been receiving a lot of emial of late addressed to both my personal email and QLD committee address. This is due to a virus going around.

If you receive an email from an unknown source with a zip attachment called either message.zip  or document.zip do not open it just delete.

I am unsure of its content but my wife and the IT guy at work say do not take the chance.

RET may be able to shed more light on the subject.

Title: Re: O/T Virus Warning
Post by: RET on January 30, 2004, 11:50:44 PM
It's called the MYDOOM or NOVARG virus, and I have received several hundred copies of it in the last few days.  Someone who uses this forum is infected with it, as I am getting copies of it spoofed from fefcholden.org.au addresses, like jane@vic.fefcholden.org.au and so on.

Update your virus software, and turn off the Preview Window (the third pane that shows the email contents under the list of headers).  Don't open any emails purporting to be Microsoft Patches, or Undeliverable Email notices.

Better still, get rid of Outlook Express and use an email client that doesn't have the huge security holes.  I recommend MacOSX Mail ;D

(Smug Virus-Free Mac-Using Bastard)

Title: Re: O/T Virus Warning
Post by: RET on January 31, 2004, 12:30:34 AM



Title: Re: O/T Virus Warning
Post by: craiga on January 31, 2004, 01:36:41 AM
If you are infected, or you just wanted check to make sure your OK, download and run this tool, as recommended by Telstra.

Or you may download the Stinger tool http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger to scan your system and remove the virus if present.  [Note that receiving an email alert stating that the virus came from your email address is not an indication that you are infected as the virus often forges the "from" address


Craig (defender of the P.C)