Title: Re-fitting the front Windscreen Post by: Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius on January 17, 2004, 11:28:51 AM Looking to re-fit the front and rear windscreens soon.
Is there anything that I definately have to do before fitting? eg getting the wiper installed, or can all this be done after? Title: Re: Re-fitting the front Windscreen Post by: graham_fuller on January 17, 2004, 08:39:39 PM Hi Stinky,
The wipers can be installed later.Just as long as your headlining is in place and you put the stinless strips around the rubber,I think thats all thats required. Cheers Graham Title: Re: Re-fitting the front Windscreen Post by: Fast_Eddie on January 18, 2004, 10:59:28 AM Stinky,
Also consider: Demister vents Rear speakers Rear parcel shelf lining Rear seat belt mounting points and, without being smart, painting the dash in a semi gloss or flat paint. All much easier, prior to fitting the glass, and a gloss dash will really annoy you when it reflects in the windscreen. Make sure you get an experienced windscreen fitting team, who has done an FE/FC before, as the back window can be difficult. Last time I had one fitted, it was the third guy they sent out who actually managed to complete the installation. Regards Edward Title: Re: Re-fitting the front Windscreen Post by: MalFE on January 18, 2004, 11:38:26 AM Hi Stinky,
I agree with previous comments. Just had my screens fitted by an experienced installer. He had previously told me to buy the screen rubbers from a well known supplier in Melbourne because their product is local and the best fit. When fitting the front screen he noticed the markings showed it was from a Taiwan manufacturer. He didn't notice if the rear had the same markings. THE REAR WAS A VERY POOR FIT compared to the GMH original fitment. Regards Mal Title: Re: Re-fitting the front Windscreen Post by: fe2ek on January 18, 2004, 12:11:14 PM I suppose better taiwan than nothing
Regards Geoff Title: Re: Re-fitting the front Windscreen Post by: Wayne on January 19, 2004, 02:06:04 AM Hi
I just had a new windscreen fited between xmas and new year. It was done by a company that specialise in the older type vehicles if you live in sydney I would reconmend them they are Ralph Moore Autoglass they are at 6 john street mascot ph(02)96671933. They also will come to your place to do the job they have new screens avaiable. can not purches a new rear not made. WAYNE Title: Re: Re-fitting the front Windscreen Post by: Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius on January 19, 2004, 12:23:14 PM Thanks Guys!