FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

Technical Board => General Technical => Topic started by: gav on September 12, 2003, 10:49:53 AM

Title: HELP? where do i look for rust
Post by: gav on September 12, 2003, 10:49:53 AM
i have not owned or played with a fe/fc holden before & i would like to know where all the usual rust spots on these models are ? i am off on a 3 week drive around country nsw / qld on a car hunt .... plenty of farms allready hooked up for me to explore on & i need to know what to look for ....
also is there any rare items i should be keeping an eye out for ?
Regards; Gav

Title: Re: HELP? where do i look for rust
Post by: Fast_Eddie on September 12, 2003, 11:08:48 AM
The turret is usually sound. They rust everywhere else.

Title: Re: HELP? where do i look for rust
Post by: craiga on September 12, 2003, 11:14:23 AM

Don't be so sure about the turret. Otherwise I think you pretty well nailed it  ;)



Title: Re: HELP? where do i look for rust
Post by: normd on September 12, 2003, 02:16:31 PM
Hi Gav
      Not sure about any FC's around here ,I'm in Young . If you're coming around this direction let us know, a few guys have scooped up most, but will ask .

Title: Re: HELP? where do i look for rust
Post by: gp on September 12, 2003, 07:40:48 PM
Hi Gav,
I think the other guys have just about nailed it. All the steel bits could be rusty. Anything thats not metal should be OK.  ;) ;D



OK, I'm a smartarse, you get that ;D ;D
Hope you find something good in your travels.

Title: Re: HELP? where do i look for rust
Post by: 4hammers on September 12, 2003, 08:26:45 PM
Hi all.
This is where I usually add a smart arsed comment. But today, I am in a "Helpful & serious mood" ::).

It depends on how much cash, skill, vision & patience you have. It is rare to find a car totally rust free on a farm. They are out there still, I can assure you of that ;). But finding them & the buying them is the trick.
Rust. Like to boys said, everything from the aerial tip down, that is made of steel, is capable of rusting. But, it is all fixable, depends on how keen (or mad) you are. I remember one fella on the forum asking about rust in his suspension arms & springs. Bloody hell, I thought, if they are rusted through, I would hate to see the rest of the car.
It can cost big dollars, if you have no skills or facilities to do the repairs yourself.

If we were to list all the places there could be rust, it would take up all this page. Just look everywhere yourself. I would advise you to go & get a RareSpares catalogue for the FE FC & look see what rust repair items are available. Then you will get an idea of costs & possible resto's.

Goodluck on your search. If possible, take an old, un modified Holden with you to do the search in. I have found, in my searches, that the kind of people who have these cars stashed away, are not keen to sell it to someone with a "Hotted Up" car. I have a mate here who has been to places I have visited after him & I have been more succesful. He drives a modified HR with Westons, I drive a stock standard FC wagon.

Just a bit off topic here. I just want to let you know what my "Dream Job" is.
"Coucil Approved, Shed Inspector"!! ;D Imagine that?? I know it doesn't really exist, but wouldn't it be great?

"Sorry Sir, I am going to have to confiscate those old Holden bits" "This shed is unsafe"!! ;D ;D

Rob J

Title: Re: HELP? where do i look for rust
Post by: HARKO on September 12, 2003, 10:03:11 PM
How about a job a bloke told me he had and was realy succesfull in finding everything old ,  A linesman and also rivene cleaner ,How many cars have been dumped in rivenes over the years and they would actualy drag them out and put them on the side of the road where the truck would pick them up but he would bring his own and the cars and other stuff were then his, "Bastard"

Title: Re: HELP? where do i look for rust
Post by: gav on September 13, 2003, 06:34:42 AM
thanx guys..
i'm off on sunday . most of the properties are from hen i was younger i used to shoot bunnies on :) & the rest are relo related etc actually have quite a few located cars mostly utes allready to look at .
i built an 28 A model ford roadster pickup a few yr's ago & that was a basket case , but it still had rust in the usual places for that model.. a relo has got me onto an old wrecking yard near Tenterfeild which has been closed for the past 18 yrs ... should be interesting , i alwaze say i'm out to restore :) white lie's cant hurt can they.......:) & the rare spares catalogue idea .... ok i'm the stupid one for not thinking of it......
ive ownly got a hz van & a trailer , but if anyone needs me to keep an eye out for anything , dont hesitate to let me know...
Regards; Gav

Title: Re: HELP? where do i look for rust
Post by: customFC on September 13, 2003, 11:03:12 AM
Hey Gav.
Good luck on your hunt.
I have always wanted to do that sort of trip, but never have. Keep your eyes out for another one of those 28 Model A Fords. I want one to Hot Rod. (a sedan or tudor perhaps)
Don't forget your camera, I want to see lots of pics.

Title: Re: HELP? where do i look for rust
Post by: mcl1959 on September 18, 2003, 08:07:32 AM
Gav,  whilst youre looking - please write down any ID plate details as well as chassis numbers to go with them.  I would really appreciate the information to add to my collection

Regards   Ken